[center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5rb12tyQy1r5syyvo1_500.gif[/img][/center] [center][b][color=6B0094]F a u n' s S e a r c h[/color][/b] (For the Dark and Slimy)[/center] Hey-o! You can call me Faun if you want, and I'm a gal who just likes to rp. The darker the story and slimier our characters, the happier I am...But there can certainly be exceptions to this, so if you ever have something else in mind to my concepts or direction don't hesitate to ask. My ideas are never aiming to be high art, simply a way to relieve stress. Regardless, there are some baselines to discuss before I get into it. [color=3F9A6F]+Do come wanting to take it seriously enough it lasts. Whether or not we decide on smut, this isn't about cyber or anything like that. Plots, character development, and writing at least at casual level is preferred. +Do plan to discuss the rp in pms or perhaps on discord if it is faster for us, our final posting ground is debatable and depends on our needs. :) -Speaking of, I CAN post many times a day sometimes, other times only one. I'm also forgiving of wait times, especially if there's circumstances, but if it is ghosted beyond a few days / weeks and I start forgetting about our rp, I may try to private message for a response before giving up. Please don't ghost without letting me know you can't do it anymore. -Don't be a douche OOC, save that for your IC! Hopefully I'm somewhat bearable myself. -Don't go godmod on me :c -Don't bring random kinks into the plot without asking in smut. I'll do the same favor. This said, I'm...probably...game. +Do have fun with it, if you aren't, let me know what would be more fun![/color] [u][b] I d e a s[/b][/u] All ideas and pairings are potentially explicit or perfectly PG-13, it depends on your wishes and my tastes meshing. 18+ partner would of course apply in the case of explicit. If it's only occasional, we can keep it on the forum then retreat to pm when needed, otherwise we could do it entirely via pm or Discord. [b]Reality Terrorist (FxM | Agent x Target)[/b] [hider=History] Two centuries into our future, a cataclysmic rainfall event warped the reality everyone had taken for granted: people's five senses, memories, and own homes seemingly began to turn against them. Mass hallucinations. Mass hysteria. Massive “weather phenomenons” and “animal” attacks. Mass graves. Nobody who survived one of these events could explain it in a way that made sense, their tales coming off as waking surreal nightmares. It was all the emerging Brotherhood of Fyreheart could do to pin the blame on rapidly advancing technology as their religious sect began to stick its fingers into the remaining world governments. This blame wasn't enough to calm the masses or put an end to the increasing incidents. As they had planned, the Brotherhood began to tear down what was left of Gaiacorp, earth's lead manufacturer for all home, school, and business technology. From the ashes, they uncovered hundreds of old plots: One in particular revolving around illegal human experimentation. Thirty-four subjects with abilities ranging from illusion to mild reality warping itself had gone missing from a corp facility. All of them were labeled as highly unstable. Buried within moments, Gaiacorp's trove of information was funneled into two branches of the Brotherhood: The Hearthguard, to hunt down, then arrest or kill the missing subjects. And the High Priests, to decipher and use the other findings to contract new weapons, communication devices, armor, and even vehicles for their brothers' use alone. It was not surprising that their findings and eventual secret arrests/deaths of the thirty-four led to a decline in the bizarre mass attacks. It was even less surprising that by taking the credit for bringing down Gaiacorp- proceeding to demand publicly available technology be rolled back to “the safety of pre-2000's connectivity” in large cullings while stocking up on their own forces -the Brotherhood was able to intimidate their way into real positions of power. Forty years later, North America is now a theocracy known as “New Caanan.” While most people are capable of living a comfortable unexamined life, technology burnings are as common as book burnings and anything capable of a wireless connection in the hands of a citizen is illegal. Schools are strict. Your teachers prepare you for the reality that the Brotherhood may dictate your life choices as an adult if they don't align with God's will. Many boys considered capable are led into becoming brothers in special boarding schools, while most girls are led to believe being a wife to a good brother one day is what they should look forward to. [/hider] [hider=This brings us to our characters:] You are a Hearthguard Elite with a certain past and personality (entirely up to you). Newly initiated to this rank, you know there's still much information the higher brothers refuse to share with you. Whether that is irritating or not, your first mission is shaping to be so. You are given the location of a girl attending a scandalously laid back high school in a small town. You are told to stalk her and become involved in her life, gathering enough evidence to justify calling in an arrest. Your High Priest's only advice is to keep your zerocaster gun on you at all times, and be ready to switch it from paralyze to lethal at the drop of a hat. On the one hand, this girl is rebellious but seemingly harmless. Nobody has been able to pin her with any crimes or blasphemy beyond sneaking a smoke or breaking curfew. She goes to school, maybe meets a friend, and comes home. She doesn't even seem to leave there most nights. On the other hand...her classification on your file is suspected terrorism. Is she really that dangerous? What did she do to warrant this espionage? Do you really want to be getting close enough to her to find out? As this girl's seductive friend tries to drive a wedge in your efforts, the clock will begin to tick down for everyone involved.[/hider] [i] More to come when next updated![/i] [u][b]P a i r i n g s[/b][/u] I will always play female. I am open to FxM or FxF. On the left is my preferred role. Same rules as above on lewd variations, just ask long as you're over 18. Superheroine x Supervillain Superheroine / Agent x Crime Boss Criminals Student x Criminal Blood Slave x Vampire Magic Source / Keystone / Slave x Evil Wizard / Overlord / Etc Victim x Yandere / Stalker Yandere x Victim Treasure Hunters Rebels Soldiers Soldiers vs Zombies/Monsters Enemy Spies Demon x Summoner Summoner X Demon Pirates Spoiled Girl x Boss / Mafia Occultists / Mages Animal Shapeshifters [b]General Themes I love to work with:[/b] High-Low Fantasy, School (animesque) Fantasy, Monster Horror, Lovecraftian Horror, Crime, Cyberpunk, Futuristic, Superheroes, War settings, Gothic, Victorian... [b]Fandoms are not my fave, especially being in charge of canon chars, but here's some I like:[/b] Danganronpa, Meduka Magica, Sailor Moon, Pirates, The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Silent Hill, Tim Burton, Lovecraft. [center][b][color=3F9A6F]That's all for now! This will be updated with new ideas every so often. :) Feel free to send interest or ask any questions via PM.[/color][/b][/center]