Victoria was pleasantly surprised by Vail’s reaction to her hand running along his chest by holding it down gently onto his bare skin. He must have liked the gesture. She had often overheard the noblewomen state that cuddling after intimate relations with their husbands was the best part. She had to agree it was very nice afterward but not the best part. For her it was that initial build up between them, the flirtatious gazes and teasing touches. That moment where sparks practically ignited the heat between them and causing Vail to ravage her in a way most women only dreamed of. She then saw how he grinned at her comment of saying how amazing it was. How amazing [i]he[/i] was. She was glad he was unattached, it meant she could have him all to herself. Until the Hygraces found out anyway. It would only be a matter of time. Then she wondered if they’d make him choose between his family and her. If it came to that, she didn’t expect him to forfeit his family for her. She knew his family came first. She wouldn’t ever make him choose between her and them. She sighed contentedly as he remarked he didn’t have to go anywhere just yet. “Good, I can have you to myself a little bit longer.” When he draped his arm around her midriff she shuffled closer to him and snuggled against his body, resting her head on his chest, underneath his chin. Her hand kept where he held it down. It was even more enjoyable now. Still feeling the euphoric after effects from their intimate encounter and the higher body temperature, luckily not yet suffering the chill from the air she was able to lay naked alongside him. The position felt cosy enough for now. As he enquired about her sleep, it was [i]almost[/i] as if he were concerned for her wellbeing. It made her smile brightly. “Are you trying to get rid of me already, Vail?” She laughed lightly and she nuzzled her head against his chin. She was clearly being affectionate with him. She didn’t know if she’d have another chance to experience this so wanted to enjoy it as much as she could. She didn’t care what he made of it, she wasn’t nervous anymore. A new sense of bravery overcame her because she [i]knew[/i] what she was facing. She had to live day by day even more so now. She needed to figure out what The Order was up to, what the Wynters were up to. The next challenge would be securing another secret rendezvous with Vail. “I’ll be fine. I’ll just pretend I was up all night trying to sort out Father’s estate.” She sighed, this time it wasn’t one brought from content, but of dread. She still didn’t know how to go about his business affairs. She just wished she had been involved more closely with it, growing up but he wanted her to be safe above all else. Not financially well off or successful in life. Just safe and alive. She closed her eyes for a small rest. She would no doubt fall asleep but she was sure Vail would wake her up to get her to return home before dawn. She just felt too relaxed right now to move.