[@Cu Chulainn] Well, if simply having feats like killing a dragon or something like this were enough to justify A Rank Bravery, almost all of the canon Servants would have it, instead of it being a really rare skill even at low ranks. You don't need it to block mental interference either. You already have the highest rank of Magic Resistance that's achievable for pretty much any but a handful of Servants. There's almost no mental effect that would do anything to your character as he's now. As for the horse. I don't think that would be alright either to keep on allowing it to have C Rank Bravery. I don't think it's even needed as skill to begin with, but if you want to keep it at two ranks lower, you can. [quote=@Idol Theory] Speaking of, does the horse qualify for the melee bonus? I don't think it knows horse martial arts, does it? [/quote] To say the truth, my opinion is similar to yours, since that skill is more about the capacity and courage to fight against great threats unarmed (in the case of the Greeks who have it, it also represents their knowledge of Pankration), than being Brave. However, like I said before, I'm trying to not get too hung on canon if it can be avoided and not shutdown people's ideas needlessly. So, I'm on board with letting a horse know kung-fu if that's what their player is interested into and not it doesn't bend the internal logic of the setting too much.