[color=aba000]~ZYIRCK~[/color] It was hard waking up today. Zyrick hadn't felt this uneasy since his recruit days, going on his first assignments. Zyrick woke with a knot in his stomach knowing he was to venture out into the battlefield for god knows how long. He drank a countless number of cups of water before finally coming to terms with what was about to be his life. [i] I guess I'll just have to deal with it when the time comes...[/i] He went about his day like it was any other day doing his daily routine. Since being on an L.O.A. he hasn't been up to much in terms of doing things with his time. Cleaning the house for a bit, Reading the paper, throwing out all the perishable food he has. He was slowly but surely preparing for this, possibly last, mission. His time was coming up, Soon he would set off towards the North gate and rendezvous with the rest of this so-called, specialized squad. Looking up at the sky while making his way to the northern gate made him a bit sad. Leaving behind his neighbourhood on a day like this, not knowing when he will be back. Overcast shadowed the buildings and streets giving a grey tone to everything. "I pray it doesn't start to rain as soon as we leave..." Zyrick mumbles to himself as he holds on tightly to the standing pole on the train. He gets off at his stop, just a few blocks from the northern gate, and heads off. He pulls out a small pocket watch and checks the time, about 20 minutes give or take before they open the gate to let in the spirit users. About 20 minutes give or take before they let out Zyrick and the specialized squad he is apart of. Making it to the gate, he can see the man who operates the gate gave him a glance over, whisper a few words to each other and then look at a small piece of paper they managed to pull from their pockets. Zyrick stares at them, waiting for them to call him over or shout something stupid to him about his clothing. Instead, they give him an approving look and usher him over. Without a single word, they hand him a small wax sealed letter that carries the miliary's emblem. The Gate operator leans in towards Zyrick and says in a very hushed tone, "Don't open it until you have left." "Of course." Zyrick takes the letter and finds a seat at a nearby bench and waits...