[@Yankee]Well i was thinking you could swap your boon for something else. Full body reinforcement should already be something you can manage with your current magecraft set. Since some nasty examples are given as master boon why not go for something more extraordinary. Here is my idea: Mystic eyes that would allow you to inscribe runes on sight on normal objects, with the possibility to even affect targets with resistance such as magi if they remain within your field of view for an extended period of time. This would not increase the potency of your average spells (thus not disturbing the image of the kind of character you want to create or make it overpowered) while giving her the possibility to exert a lot of pressure on both aware and unaware opponents. Since its main use would be on objects, you could use it alongside cards to turn them into spell containers of some sort. Naturally this would require soccery trait boon. You could incorporate it as a mutation unique to your character that theyve recently discovered how to use or whatever fits your fancy. Thoughts?