[quote=@A Man Is No One] [@Chrononaut] A man has a question. Should we have some sort of defined turn order as well as a defined time limit for people to participate in a given round? For example we have three players and three posts, maybe it is time for the game master to post and then repeat the post order over a given time period, perhaps three days from the previous person’s post? Discuss..._ [/quote] I think at some point, a "post within a week or next two weeks" will take effect after everyone's "in" and ready to roll, with obvious exceptions for life's challenges like "too much school" or "too much work" or "too much life". A post order could be useful, but it has the issue of not allowing for flexibility in plotting and has some issues for those participating. It means for any encounter, whoever is first would be the first to act in a scenario, for example. Then everyone else would be reacting after them, which isn't entirely fair. Then, god forbid you're the last person to post each time. It also tends to make every situation very monologue-heavy, as players have to then react to up-to-everything that was said before them. Which gets worse the further down the line you go. This is also important, if one person doesn't post, then everyone has to wait for that person. Now, that's all assuming the party is together at the time. In separate, individual vignettes, that would work fine.