[centre][img]https://i.postimg.cc/G2LsJNVr/Uzanian-Rifles-Insignia.png[/img] [@Katthaj][@Oak7ree][@FrostedCaramel][@CaptainBritton][@Jamesyco][@Hank][@caliban22][/centre] The day had become overcast by the time the entire platoon assembled itself in the courtyard - some fifty effective at full strength, including heavy weapon support and the platoon command, separated into five squads all clad in unexciting brown fatigues and overlapped by 'the usual' Cadian-pattern flak and helmet; the only thing that separated them from any other emulators of the vaunted Cadians, Hasenkamp noted with a scowl, were their [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3b/Automatgev%C3%A4r_m1943_-_Tyskland_-_AM.045876.jpg/640px-Automatgev%C3%A4r_m1943_-_Tyskland_-_AM.045876.jpg]Uzanian lascarbines[/url] and cameleoline cloaks. It also did not escape his notice that more than a handful of his command had made off into the surrounding lands, going AWOL in military parlance, including one of his finest sharpshooters and a member of a weapons team! Yes, the [url=http://gunsmanuals.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/MG-34.png]heavy stubber[/url] [b]could[/b] be used by one person, but it was a damned pain to keep the ammo flowing alone. "[i]Soldaten[/i]!" Began the Second-Lieutenant, one hand on the hilt of his chainsword and the other gently holding the peak of his officers cap (even his was a Cadian prop, and he didn't like it), "I have voxed headquarters about our current situation, and they have given us the go-ahead," now he moved his hands behind his back and tried to make himself look like the officer he was - even at only twenty three years old - "what is the situation, you may ask? Well, it would appear that a convoy of Guardsmen from the [url=https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Faeburn_Vanquishers]Faeburn Vanquishers[/url] have got themselves into a spot of trouble within our patrol radius. We shall be marching with all haste to bring them aid... and possibly to see some action." An adjutant handed him a dataslate and Hasenkamp lifted his eyes to glance over the ranks, "the following men shall be accompanying me and my command squad - please step forward and fall in about me. Operator Mehl, Jäger Varren and Unteroffizier Baumeister." When all was said and done - the Voxman, medic and Sergeant following his trail of four other soldiers to the head of the platoon - Hasenkamp took one last look at the sleet coloured sky overhead, noted in his mind the slight drop in temperature, and put the cap back over his neatly brushed hair. "Zug, vorwärts ... März!" [hr] [hr] It was a forced march of nearly thirteen miles from Shayrith to their target, a nearly five hour march mostly on roughly shod track and roads but also across more rugged country, the site of the ambush reported from inside what was known as the Northlore Forest - an area some thirty-nine square miles in total, ranging from thick deep-woods to thinner outer woodland, an area which could be seen as the weary platoon hauled themselves over a rise and looked down at the sight before them. Spread out beneath them was a landscape of [url=http://holidayindartmoor.co.uk/images/17/8566_892x600.jpg]bracken[/url] and [url=http://holidayindartmoor.co.uk/images/29/14380_892x600.jpg]rock-strewn[/url] moorland, nothing covering the half-a-mile from the ridge to the treeline, which could be seen as an almost never-ending sea of treetops sprouting from the earth. "[i]Spalte[/i], halt!" Ordered the Second-Lieutenant, who waited until the marching column came to a complete stop, "platoon to form into squads... prepare and rest a moment." With a curt nod to his subordinates, he sent them scurrying to relay the order down the line and looked out at the woodland with wary eyes. "[i]Unteroffizier[/i] Baumeister," came his voice in a querying tone, the officer not turning to see where the fifty-four year old was but instead continuing to speak when he heard footsteps nearing, his eyes glaring through a pair of old-fashioned binoculars at the treeline ahead, "you are an old soldier. Tell me, bearing in mind that the call for aid came from a mile or so within that forest, and that the Vanquishers are not a green regiment, what would you do if you were in my position?" It was a genuine question, and although time was against them it was never too late to ask more veteran soldiers their opinions.