The Gaomon-line wasn't my first choice but the one I had included Skullmeramon and Boltmon soo..... [hider=CS] [b]Hacker[/b] [img][/img] [i]Name:[/i] Issei Katsuki [i]Gender:[/i] Male [i]Age:[/i] 17 [i]Apperance:[/i] Issei isn't too concerned with how he looks. His hair is often messy and makes him look just a tiny bit longer than the 5 Feet, 8 Inches he actually is. [i]Personality:[/i] Issei is a bit of troublemaker and enjoys annoying others for fun, though he tries not to take it to the point where he actually hurts anyone physically or emotionally. If he does he will try to make up but also knows when to accept something as a lost cause. For the most part he is a friendly easygoing guy, but he can get obsessed when working on one of his pranks. He also has a habit of trying to drag others into what he is doing without realizing it, never considering they might have plans already or are simply not interested. [i]Bio:[/i] Given his love of pranks it shouldn't come as a surprise Issei learned some basic hacking skill and messed around in EDEN, mostly sticking to non offensive stuff that could be fixed in about five minutes at most. He even developed his own graffiti-like tag consisting of a stylized rottweiler head. He didn't agree with everything Jormungundr did but also knew they sometimes helped people so he didn't join up with Thor either. In fact during the "hacker wars" Issei didn't cause any chaos whatsoever in EDEN, believing they had enough to deal with. Once things had quieted down however he went back to his pranks, of course he didn't want to get in trouble so he stopped using his tag and managed to stay under the radar due to a combination of luck, sneakiness and not going so far that people went out of their way to find out who he was. So he was quite surprised when he got a note inviting him to join Jormungundr. In fact he actually thought it was a prank at first but some snooping revealed he wasn't the only one to get an invitation. [b]Digimon 1:[/b] [i] In-Training:[/i] [url=]Tsumemon[/url] [i]Rookie:[/i] [url=]Blackgabumon[/url] [i]Champion:[/i] [url=]BlackGarurumon[/url] [i]Ultimate:[/i] [url=]ShadowWereGarurumon[/url] [i]Mega:[/i] [url=]BlackMetalGarurumon[/url] [b]Digimon 2:[/b] [i] In-Training:[/i] [url=]Tsunomon[/url] [i]Rookie:[/i] [url=]Gabumon[/url] [i]Champion:[/i] [url=]Garurumon[/url] [i]Ultimate:[/i] [url=]WereGarurumon[/url] [i]Mega:[/i] [url=]MetalGarurumon[/url] Fusion of both [url=]ZeedGarurumon[/url] [/hider]