[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190802/0616f4a80dda654441ab56364799a64d.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/tUlzKPP.jpg?1[/img] "[color=20C192]Where can I sign up?[/color]"[/center] [hr][sub][right] [b]Location: Swan Songs Record Shop [/b] [/right][/sub] [sub][right][b] Interaction: [/b][/right][/sub] [sub][right][b] Mentions: [@Pyxis] [/b][/right][/sub][hr] [indent]Hoon had pretty much downed her coffee as soon as it cooled off, and she couldn't help but glance at her guitar every now and then as she looked around the area.The vibe was perfect for her, at least for her to sing later, but first she has to sign up first. She let out a quick sigh to let some of her anxiety out; she grabbed her guitar and slung it over her shoulder and walked over to the sign up counter. She didn't want to sound too excited but she didn't want to be too abrasive either in stating that one line once she got there. It did feel like time was slowing down as she was making this decision for something so small and practically irrelevant. She repeatedly told herself, that all she had to do was ask where to sign up then she was done, she can go back to not being awkward, or at least, being awkward in a completely different way that doesn't make her as self-conscious as she is now. She walked up to the counter, and with her pure awkwardness and overthinking she spoke, "[color=20C192]Uh... W-where can I up sign?- I-I mean sign up?[/color]" The woman at the countered then slid a clipboard towards her with multiple names written on it, she pointed at one of the empty spots and told Aria to sign there. She did then moved on. She shook her head as she held her head down as she walked away she spotted a pretty tall girl who was very much on the attractive side with very nice hair which was pink. Though she was the very same girl who was eyeing her earlier, [i][color=20C192]I know, I know smoking is bad so please I am not about to be scolded by a pretty stranger.[/color][/i] she said in her head. She was just trying to shake off her awkwardness from earlier, she moved to the couches while doing her best to forget what happened, but every time she tried, she just remember even more. She sat down on one of the couches and waited for her time to sing, she couldn't wait, yet she was nervous in a wat.[/indent]