Who wants to partner with this handsome lad? [hider=Won't you be my lover?] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fe/31/8e/fe318e9dd5dc88a1901a820a86719cde.jpg[/img][/center] _________________________________________________________________________________________ [b]Class:[/b] [i]Assassin[/i] [b]Name\Title:[/b] Absalom , [i]The Traitorous Son[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Male _______________________________ [b]Short Bio/Synopsis:[/b] Absalom is the third son of King David, king of Israel. From even the youngest of ages, he was the most loved. For his beauty. For his charm. For the way he showered others in gifts and humbled himself. But that is not the real Absalom. Absalom is a traitorous son, who sought revenge for even the tiniest of slights, and returned them ten fold. When his daughter was raped by his eldest brother, he invited all his siblings to a feast two years later. Where he then had his elder brother executed, and fled the kingdom. David, mourning the death of his first son, did not chase after Absalom. Instead, he forgave his child, and Absalom returned to Israel, forgiven of all crimes. But that was not the end of it. Absalom stole the hearts of the people, the elders, and any who might speak with him. Turning the whole of Israel and Judah against his father, and declaring himself king. His father, left with only a few bodyguards, fled his kingdom, with Absalom and his soldiers in hot pursuit. But, one day, Absalom was riding a mule when his hair became tangled in the branches of a tree. The man who found him was Joab, commander of his father's army, and a man that Absalom had taken revenge against at one point. Seeing the opportunity, Joab speared Absalom in the chest three times. A direct violation of a command given by God and David to spare Absalom of all harm. David mourned, and so did God above. They chose to bury Absalom in a tomb, that is remembered even to this day. _______________________________ [b]Stats:[/b] [i]Strength:[/i] D [i]Endurance:[/i] D [i]Agility:[/i] B [i]Mana:[/i] A [i]Luck:[/i] A [i]Noble Phantasm:[/i] A _______________________________ [b]Class Skill:[/b] [i]- Presence Concealment C+:[/i] Hides one's presence as a Servant. Suitable for spying. The rank of Presence Concealment drops considerably when preparing to attack. For Absalom though, this attack condition does not apply to an attempt to steal the heart of another. [b]Personal Skills:[/b] [i]- Golden Rule (Body) EX:[/i] A Skill that denotes the possession of a natural and perfect god-like body, preserving beauty. Unlike the Natural Body Skill whose body shape does not change despite how much caloric intake was taken, there is no effect on the Skill owner's Strength parameter. As Absalom was the most beautiful of his time, and capable of stealing the hearts of the people who looked upon him, there is none more qualified to such an excessive rank. Any who look upon him shall call him beautiful. At this rank, Absalom has an increased defense that lowers the damage directed at him by roughly 50%. Furthermore, he heals at a reduced cost, and without the need for his master to directly heal him. Finally, any who look upon him are struck with a charm. Only a high enough magic resistance is able to fully ignore this skill at the rank Absalom possesses. [i]- Spare Absalom, the son of David, My servant EX:[/i] All in the kingdom of heaven, man, and demon know there is one man who cannot be harmed. Who when they move to strike, are commanded to by God himself to turn their weapon away. That man is Absalom. This is a skill that acts as the highest form of mental interference. The very words of god. When an enemy servant, master, or anybody prepares to attack Absalom, knowingly or not, the very word of god is sent down upon them. A command not to attack. It is only possible to attack Absalom after he has directly attacked another servant. Telling others to attack does not count as a direct attack. Even then, only the person he has directly engaged with is allowed to attack him. [i]- Disengage B:[/i] The ability to withdraw from the battlefield in the midst of combat or reset the battle conditions. Bonus effect of returning battle conditions to what they were at the beginning of the match (1st turn) and restores the condition of this Skill to the initial value. [b]Noble Phantasm:[/b] [hider=Noble Phantasms] [b]Title:[/b] Thlatht Qulub - If Only I Were Judge of This Land [b]Rank:[/b] A [b]NP Type:[/b] Anti-World [b]Range:[/b] However Far his Voice Reaches [b]Maximum Number of Targets:[/b] 999+ [b]Description:[/b] [i]"By his vile stratagem he deceived and stole three hearts, that of his father, of the elders, and finally of the whole nation of Israel."[/i] The nature of Absalom is that his beauty, his words, his nature itself can steal the hearts of those around him. The wise, the kind, and the people of all of Israel. It is a true Anti-World Noble Phantasm in that it steals from even the world itself. A noble phantasm that makes all who hear him, see him, or touch him... Desire nothing more than to aid him in his cause, so that justice might be done. It is a noble phantasm without malice, or cruelty. Rather, it is an invitation, and a request to join Absalom. In doing so, he takes their hearts, so that they cannot be taken by another. Against regular humans, only his words are needed. A request made becomes the core of their reason, replacing the heart that Absalom had just stolen from them. For a mage, it may require closer contact. Visuals with the eyes, and a touch of the skin. Then the heart is stolen. Servants though, as they are perhaps the most equal to Absalom in the eyes of the world, require a kiss on the forehead or the hand. A kiss anywhere can really do the trick, but the forehead and hand are popular. This is because Absalom would often show affection and humility towards others while he stole their hearts. If he steals the heart of a Servant, several effects take place. First, he gains access to their noble phantasms. Their armaments, their defenses, and any skill that might qualify as a noble phantasm. This is because he possesses the right to their heart, and core of their being. Thus, their noble phantasms become his as well. Secondly, he acts as a faux-Master for the servant. Allowing him the option of breaking their connection to their pre-existing master, and taking over as the new Master. But the strain required to control a fellow servant as a master, when one is already a servant, is notably high. It is impossible for Absalom to control two servants, and thus he must either relinquish his mastery of a servant, or kill them. [b]Title:[/b] Ars Absalom - Burning the Fields of Faith [b]Rank:[/b] C+ [b]NP Type:[/b] Anti-Army [b]Range:[/b] 1-35 [b]Maximum Number of Targets:[/b] 200 [b]Description:[/b] Joab was a servant of Absalom's father, David. But Joab refused to serve under the King's son. Perhaps it was jealousy. Perhaps it was simply because he could... but Absalom took a torch, and set fire to the fields of Joab's homestead. The entire land burned, and became so engulfed in fire that there was no hope of ever truly recovering it. This is that action made into an attack. A fire, located on a building, or a designated area takes root. Expanding rapidly, and burning with a curse. This curse causes any injury sustained by the fire to never heal until Absalom is dead. The fire rages without end, until either snuffed out by the force of another noble phantasm, or Absalom himself declares it so. This noble phantasm is stronger against areas marked by a bounded field. Setting it ablaze, and removing any bonuses that one might get from that area. Removing the advantages an enemy might get from a fortress or a caster's workshop. [/hider] _______________________________ [b]Weapon:[/b] Absalom is summoned primarily without weapons, but that does not mean he is helpless. Rather, he can summon flames around him using magecraft. These flames are manifested curses, that he used against his enemies when he took over Israel as king. Notably, if he were a Caster or Avenger then he would have greater control over this fire, but as an assassin, he is only able to create it, and cannot control it afterwards. Though he is able to create fireballs, and close range flamethrowers. A strange case for an assassin. [b]Misc/Other/Trivia:[/b] Absalom's alignment is Lawful Evil. [/hider]