Far out in the distance within the Soul society sat a cloaked figure that rested on the edge of a large cliff that overlooked the Seireitei "So...this is the place huh? looks like shit...gonna look worse once I'm done with it" the cloaked figure then stood up "Well...best get started...no time like the present!" the figure then turned its head to look at the army of hollows behind it "You hungry?" the figure then pointed out towards the Seireitei and shouted out "THEN GO FUCKING EAT THEM! LET'S MAKE THIS A DAY TO REMEMBER!" As the figure said this the army of hollows flew past the figure and began tearing their way through the districts towards the Seireitei "I'm gonna lure you out you bastard..." The figure then looked down at it's right arm and clenched its hands into fists a few times before letting it's arm fall to it's side and looking out into the distance "last time you had luck on your side...let's see how lucky you will be this time!" The figure then disappeared leaving a small amount of dust where it was