[centre][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjU5NGE0YS5VbmxzWlhnZ1UyOXlZVzQsLjAA/trashco.regular.png[/img][/centre] [centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/UlWcGv9.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI0LjU5NGE0YS5VMlZqZFhKcGRIa2dUMlptYVdObGNnLCwuMAAA/cyrano.regular.png[/img][/centre] [centre][color=594a4a][b]_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_†_[/b][/color][/centre] [color=877777][color=red][b]"Get your ass up boy!"[/b][/color] Blood, yeah he was pretty sure he was drinking his own blood like a hot drink on a cold day. His lips gave the faintest traces of metal, his throat coated in a fine maroon, yep he was definitely having a hot beverage with his own fluids. That was the least of his worries though, he could hear that deep voice yelling at him to get back to his feet and he knew better than to disobey. But the cool ground felt so good to him, for the briefest of moments he allowed his face to slip into the soft soil inhaling it into his nose by accident. It was a far cry better taste than blood, if let alone he would have stayed there but the sharp pain he suddenly felt in his side was enough to break that illusion. [color=red][b]"I said get the hell up you filth!"[/b][/color] More blood channeled from his mouth mixing with the dirt and ultimately smearing his face with the mixture as he put his arms in front of himself and lifted. He could feel his lungs contract from the kick he had just received, for a moment it felt like the air he was trying to breath was coming through an opening too tight to let much through. Against his better judgment, he regained his feet if not his composure. He was shaky, his legs like rubber under his weight, looking up at his instructor he locked eyes with the man. The attack that came after was immediate, the sudden burning in his gut came out of nowhere just before he puked violently gripping his stomach, feeling the fist mark still dented into it. Rylex fell to his knee's letting his body bend forward his forehead hitting the ground as he clutched at himself. It was expected but all the same when he felt the heel of a boot come down dead center of his back driving him forward once again into the dirt he screamed in pain. For the fifth time that day he felt hot tears in his eyes, he wanted to cry and would have but with another blow he was on his back with a boot sideways to his throat choking off the little air he had left. Rylex weakly lifted his hands to clutch at the ankle above the boot but it was useless, his strength was far too gone to even dream of moving the foot. [color=red][b]"If you have way to get out of this I would do it filth! I will pop your little head right off your shoulders, yes I will! Don't you doubt it!"[/b][/color] Rylex felt his head going light as he struggled, he felt the first of the involuntary convulses he had become accustomed to in his life as he desperately tried to keep in control of himself. Gotta get free, that was his only thought, he had to do something or die. Sprawling his hands out all around him he felt for something, anything he could use as a weapon. When he felt the cold smooth surface hit his skin he didn't want for an invitation, he didn't think, with the strength he had left he brought his arm up his hand gripped tight on the rock. There was a crack of two solid objects colliding and a yelp of surprise as the foot retracted from his throat. Rylex sucked in air like a madman rolling to his stomach, his lungs burned so hot it felt like a fire in his chest. He gagged one time, two, three, before he felt the strong forearm come under his chin and he was yanked backwards to his feet until his soles had left the ground completely. He couldn't even scream as he was forced into a rear naked choke. [color=red][b]"You think your tough meat huh boy!"[/b][/color] There was no real time to consider the implications of what was happening really, the irony that he had come to know well, that he was now being punished for trying to preserve his life. All he truly knew was that for the first time he felt a pot of boiling water in his stomach, the air he so desperately acquired was being choked out again and it pissed him off. His fear was replaced with sudden anger as he kicked out and struggled like a man possessed, with all he had, his head whipped back, his skull bounced into the nose of his instructor like a rock thrown at full force. When his feet hit the ground he launched forward, there was no wasting time on air this time, he swiveled on his feet and turned, he ran full force and slammed himself into his instructors stomach head first. He was able to knock him down to his back, without no care he lunged for the down man like a wild animal, the boot to his jaw however rendered him to that of a new born cub. Rylex again hit the ground on his back, the fight was knocked out him completely as he lay sprawled. His chest was heaving in an out, his arms felt like lead, the same for his legs, he was done and knew it. When his instructors face appeared above him with a sick smile plastered against his broken nose, Rylex could do nothing as he watched the boot rise in the air and come at his face. Rylex came to suddenly, way too suddenly in his case as he lunged forward and hit his head on the glass of the cryogenic pod he had been suspended in. [b]"Fucker..."[/b] Rylex cursed angrily as he clutched at his head in more disbelief than pain. It was low but he could hear a resounding hiss and the sound of a locking mechanism come alive, the glass door to his cold prison slowly released up and away from him. [b]"Couldn't have opened it before I slammed my face into it..."[/b] He was cursing under his breath as he lay there longer trying to beat back the grogginess that had a firm hold on him. For a moment he couldn't quite remember fully where he was, in fact he could hardly feel his damn legs for that matter. His whole body felt numbed, weak, as he rose himself up. His reality came back to him quickly as he looked around, thats right, he was on the Atlas and had been suspended for... well he truly didn't know how many years. Throwing his legs over the edge he let his feet slap the cold floor and pushed himself up, the header he nearly took would have probably busted his skull. He caught himself though his legs buckling momentarily beneath him like a new born baby. [b]"Travel the universe they said, travel the stars, discover new planets, get frozen like a meat Popsicle for laughs.. psh."[/b] Rylex let his waking agitation simmer away as he got some feeling into his legs so he could pretend to walk upright. Nate had always told him was a grumpy asshole when he woke up, guess that hadn't changed. Pushing himself forward Rylex proceeded out of the room only dimly aware that for the first time in many years he was completely naked in a seemingly public space. It had be a very long time since he wasn't wearing his plates, and trust, there was hell when they told him he had to remove them for the process. Making his way down the seemingly bright tunnel of screens he shielded his remaining eye a little bit from the illumination, his eye was still a little fuzzy. The ache behind his skull only intensified when a voice played over speakers making him cringe. He heightened his step as he had no real care to look at the holo imagery around him or to hear a speech that has probably been replayed for the three hundred years that relic Henderson has probably been alive for. Finally at the end of the tunnel he found himself in what appeared to be a one man locker room. Without much hesitation he approached a casing with all too familiar gear inside of it, sitting down on the bench in the center of the room he removed his plating piece by piece and gently inserted it into the links on his body. A feeling of comfort finally began to wash over him as he felt his combat plating against his body once more, the feeling of naked nostalgic falling away. [color=purple][b]"Your awake, slept well I hope?"[/b][/color] A light voice broke the silence of the room as Rylex looked towards the other side of the room. Standing in the slightly ajar doorway was a young man who seemed a bit green around the gills. The momentary slap he wanted to give for asking such a stupid question subsided with the boys youth and he merely shook his head up and down. [color=purple]"[b]Thats great. I was asked to give you this, you can read it when your dressed."[/b][/color] Rylex merely nodded again as he was handed a black pad, setting it beside himself he looked at the boy and thanked him lowly before he left him to finish dressing. Moments later Rylex was tightening the holsters on his shoulders as he secured his revolvers in them tightly. Reaching into the inside pocket of his vest he removed an old [url=https://i.imgur.com/zIQwNjB.jpg]photo[/url] from it and looked at it silently. Playing his fingers over the face on the image he gave a rare smile. [b]"Time.. for a new life. If there is such a place after life, I hope your with me."[/b] Rylex gently ave the phone a small kiss letting his smile fade as he replaced the picture inside his vest zipping it up and away safely. Picking up the black pad he flipped it on, all he saw on it was a small message to report to Monolith and directions to where he would be heading for briefing. Rylex stood up as he felt his old strength returning to his body albeit slow and exited the room making his way out of the small room and through the bigger expanse. He took time to note that there were a lot of people running around and yelling at each other as they worked, almost in a kind of panic it seemed like. He simply disregarded them though as he made his way into the hangar where the Monolith was house and made a casual advance towards others whom were up ahead. [b]"I don't suppose anyone can fill me in as to what the current happenings are around here?"[/b] Rylex spoke non-nonchalant to no one in particular as he was fairly sure someone will fill him in and in the grand scheme of things, he could not have been more unprepared for what he was going to be told.[/color]