Devika winced a bit. Roxy was very, very blunt - and correct. "I guess I did give up. I never thought they'd actually find someone for me, and that I'd be in that cabin for the rest of my life. But now I guess I get to choose a new dream." She grinned. "Starting a blog doesn't sound half bad, actually. You're very right. My experience isn't the same as others, and maybe I could shed some new light on this process that is still being worked on." Frowning slightly, she flipped over one magazine, then the next and a few others. "Roxy, these are all from last year. Maybe you can update the reading material? Oh! When we start to bond better, can we go to the bookstore? They have plenty of magazines there - and I can get some new books. Internet delivery always took so long to get to me..."