[quote=@Reflection] [@Parallel Hearts] to be honest Absolam is kinda justified for two, since he's related to David and Solomon who both have 3. But I can remove the fire NP, and focus on the more small scale magic he creates. [/quote] That would likely be the most agreeable option, it seems. [quote=@Cu Chulainn] [@Parallel Hearts] Bravery's changed to B. Am I good to go? owo [/quote] You're ok. Move him over whenever you are able to. [quote=@Crusader Lord] [@Parallel Hearts] Yo! Just got off of work earlier than the usual shift. Which is at least a treat. XD But i have been looking over Absalom, and i did want to say one something about this in general. Not wanting to sound like i hate Absalom, he's p cool actually, but just to get this potential thing addressed is all this is. Course it is the GM's call in the end, but just wanted to note this to bring up my own immediate worry at least. ^^; This skill feels a tad OP with all of its wording and effects, and the rank feels like it kinda makes it stronger than most mental interference protection skills are gonna be at for servants usually. And part of it sounds like a paradox, where someone like a master can tell a servant to attack him but all Absalom has to do is stand there and the servant can't do anything to him because the servant is still making a "direct attack". Or like, i suppose it seems anyone can't unless he attacks a servant...which isn't the normal standard for Assassins i think? Umm...hope saying this was ok, and hope you all are having a great night! :) [/quote] It's a mental interference skill so it actually can be countered by a Mage's Resistance ability, a Servant's Magic Resistance Skill, or skills that block mental interference, like Bravery, etc. It surely makes him hard to attack, the same way that fighting Diarmuid is supposed to be hard if you are a woman, but it's doable for an opponent of high enough caliber. Not to say that this skill is useless either but it's not the kind of thing that would save you from a Saber, or Lancer hellbent on killing you for example. And, even if you absolutely can't find a way to overcome it, there are other ways of dealing with him that don't rely on attacking. Mind Control is an unreliable technique against magical beings in the Nasuverse. I said this to [@Reflection] earlier since (while Assassin is perfectly within the parameters of what we've seen in canon, remembering that mind control tends to be an unreliable plot device in nearly all Fate works) relying on mind control as his primary tool is very likely to lead to frustration on either theirs or someone else's side. This is why I decided to ask whether or not everyone was onboard with it. If it's really not the kind of thing you are interested into playing against, I can always ask [@Reflection] to use the other Assassin idea since it much less contentious than this one. It's not worth it having anyone be uncomfortable with this idea when there's another viable alternative.