[center][b][h1][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190905/7988057d6d694134b0c3737fc36a97bb.png[/img][/h1][/b][/center][center][hider=Ethan][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/kamigami-no-asobi/images/b/b8/Pp_balder.png/revision/latest?cb=20140103141218[/img][/hider][/center][h2][center]Location: Friday[/center][/h2][hr][center][h3] Interaction: NPCs (Open)[/h3][/center][hr][center][h3] Mentions: Siobhan; Alejandro [@Pyxis]; Victoria [@PrinceAlexus] & Joel [@Pilatus][/h3][/center][hr]Ethan was just getting out of the shower as the phone rang. It was a number that he didn’t recognise.[color=red] “Hello?”[/color] “Mr. Aster. I have some information that you might find...intriguing.” It was the PI that he had looking into some things that might have been a little sensitive.[color=red] “I’m all ears Hutch.”[/color] “It seems you have a half sister.” Ethan gripped the phone harder but his voice stayed level and controlled.[color=red] “You must be mistaken.”[/color] “Not a chance. I do my homework very thoroughly Mr. Aster.” Ethan went to his closet and opened the door the silence on the other end not boding well for the man on the other end of the line.[color=red] “Would you stake your career on it?”[/color] “In a heartbeat.” [color=red]“Your life?”[/color] “Look I know who you...associate with and yes I would.” [color=red]“Thank you Hutch.”[/color] Ethan paused counting to ten. It didn’t help.[color=red] “I’ll double your fee.”[/color] Ethan ended the call and threw the phone violently across the room onto the bed. He still needed that phone. Ethan got dressed in his[url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51kZ1RBnE8L._UX250_.jpg] outfit[/url] and went downstairs to see the rest of the band in their regalia. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f1/f9/3e/f1f93ecb70795fdddbd733a256fa39ae.jpg]Paul[/url], [url=https://www.devilnight.co.uk/4322-20895-home/black-vintage-pattern-gothic-short-jacket-for-men.jpg]Drew[/url], and[url=https://d2fzf9bbqh0om5.cloudfront.net/images/10715/original/mensgoth.jpg?1548058745] Tobias[/url]. And of course the flunkies. Yolo was off but not really. This was the thug’s version of staying low. Being seen with The Sirens. He wanted to “have a good time” and apparently that meant that he was sticking with the band. Ethan mentally shrugged.[color=red][i] To each his own.[/i][/color] The requisite groupies, or as the band referred to them...guppies, packed into the limo as well as the few flunkies that they had, Yolo included. Ethan smiled and flirted meaninglessly as the girls fawned and cooed over the band and flunkies. The partition rolled down and Drew looked at the driver and nodded. “Fifteen minutes to our destination gentleman...and ladies.” The partition rolled back up and the limo started. Ethan raised an eyebrow as the brunette with big brown eyes and...other bigger attributes began to get better acquainted with intimate parts of him. Her eyes got wide.[color=hotpink] “Oh[b][i] BIG[/i][/b] boy.”[/color] Ethan smirked and leaned his head back reaching over to turn up the music and enjoy the entertainment.[hr] They pulled into the lot across the street from Swan Songs and got out the tabloids were in force. Comments were yelled incoherently and largely ignored. They all gave the routine smiles and waved. Making it into Swan Songs finally they walked past the bar to the far end. Ethan noticed the blonde woman that had been with Siobhan at the art auction.[color=red][i] Well isn’t that interesting. Usually where she is so is…[/i][/color] Ethan looked around and saw Siobhan with a tall hispanic man.[color=red][i] Curious. She is here but the grease monkey isn’t. With the tension between them and Victoria I doubt that Victoria or Marlin are here.[/i][/color] Ethan walked up to the blonde woman and smiled. He was going to at least have a satisfying conversation.[color=red] “Paige I believe.”[/color] It was a statement not a question. He knew who she was.[color=red] “Nice to see you again. Will you be singing or are you here in an official capacity?”[/color] Yolo had taken a look around and rolled his eyes. Seeing the Marshal that had been chasing him he grinned and walked right up to the bar a few feet away just waiting for her to see him. Unless she wanted to cause a scene then she’d just end up glaring at him all night. Grinning he ordered a beer and leaned against the bar and waited for her to notice him.