As Penelope reached the Great Hall, she stepped inside and swept her gaze over the tables, eying for Crow, Naida or even Cedric. Unfortunately it seemed she had either beaten them there or missed them completely as she didn't see any familiar faces. Friendly ones at least. Off handedly she did catch the unwanted eye of William, who was eating breakfast with his squire. She noticed him pause in whatever lecture he was giving her and narrow his eyes on her. His bitter look made the knight snort and she turned to walk off to an empty table that was far from the sour old knight. Sitting down, she reached into her pocket and pulled out the letters. Since she was alone and would have to wait for her food anyways, she decided to begin reading what her friends from the battlefront had sent her. Opening up the first letter, she blinked in surprise as a second letter fell out. It wasn't of the same material as the first. It was smaller and had rough edges, seeming to have been torn out of a notebook. Penelope eyed in confusedly and picked it up in her hands. As she turned it over, she saw that the letter was addressed to 'Collin'. Her eyes widened with realization that the letter had come from Crow's companions. The knight had nearly forgotten that she had requested Olivia to deliver the letter to them. A smile crossed her lips, grateful that her friend had done as she asked and eager to give the letter to its rightful owner. She was about to set it aside to read Olivia's letter when she caught sight of Crow entering the Great Hall. Penelope shot him a smile and subtly waved the paper at him, hoping to both flag him over as well as let him know that his friends had written to him.