[h2]C H A P T E R [s]1[/s][/h2] [b]N o t A S i n g l e S t a r[/b] _________________________________ [h3]Fort Hood, Texas —- // JANUARY 23[/h3][@Zoey White] Before Akasha could even turn back to give two a witty response on their way back to the car, a bestial roar would be heard from the very house they just left. It was inhumanly loud, echoing quite the distance from their location and causing the hairs on the pink-haired figure’s neck to stand on end and freezing her still. “Well I guess it’s safe to say that this missions was accomplished. We should leave before those things break out of that house.” Two’s handler was quicker on his feet as his rear made its way into the driver seat as he called out “We have no time for chitchat, we need to get the hell outta here.” turning the key in the ignition and turning the wheel premediately as the others made their way into the vehicle. And as soon as they were occupying the rear and passenger seats he would put her into drive and floor the gas, peeling rubber as they hauled away. If they peered in the distance, large grotesque creatures of twisted flesh would briefly be seen crashing their ways outside from the windows and into the outside world. • Leaving military base posthaste. [hr][h3]???, Romania Midnight// JANUARY 24[/h3][@OwO] “Why the long face? Now we can actually get out of this frozen cesspool.” The chunky knife-thrower chimed to his promised child, a wry smile from ear to ear upon his face as he slowly crept out from the snow-train. His white gloves had been stained a crimson, familial blood, but the man seemed more overjoyed than anything. “Don’t tell me you’re upset about that stray. They are nothing like you, my Six, nobody is like you - nor me. Never forget that we are the blessed, chosen by god, superior to all other existence on this blighted planet.” The handler spat, brows angling inward as aggression boiled in his tone. There was no higher horse than the one he sat upon. He sighed as he continued to glance over the sullen expression on the promised child’s face, and then reluctantly plucking the gloves from his hands and throwing them to the grayed snow below. The handler then grunted, using his exposed hands to beckon a few of the surveying soldiers over to their position. “Screw the train, and the orders. Get me aerial transportation to Varkhaus, our little pet needs a reality check. Make sure it’s here in less than an hour.” “Yes sir.” The soldier quickly responded without an ounce of hesitation. The time after this order would be a dreary waiting period for the two, they made their way to the dilapidated entrance center where they had originally planned to wait for the train - which had of course gone out the window. • Leaving Unnamed Romanian Facility for Varkhaus. [hr][h3]Several Miles from Varkhaus, Finland [Wilderness] Midnight // JANUARY 24[/h3][@ERode] “No mass killings, it would be a danger to the already dwindling wildlife in the area.” The exhausted Augustine responded, her chest and expanding and retracting quickly as her body winded down from the rush of adrenaline. “We need to get somewhere more exposed and call for an extraction. Once we get onto the actual battlefield you can go ham, unwind, all that nonsense. Why are men such primates?” She sighed, glancing around the general perimeter before reaching her right hand up and extending a finger to point to the sky. “Unless you can think of a way to get us up in the sky, we have a long walk.” Augustine hissed, the annoyance ever apparent in her facial expression. “And I’m surprised you survived.” Augustine wittily snipped out audibly, towards the normal soldier who had survived this long. “Surprisingly, your crazy magneto X-men kid saved me.” The pilot coughed out, wincing a bit as a gust of sharp icy wind rampaged upon his body. • Leaving the Wilderness via Miracle or Extraction for military base. [hr][h3]St. Peterburgh, Russia Midnight // JANUARY, 23[/h3][@Rune_Alchemist][@Kazemitsu] The two would continue to easily overcome their opponents, more gardna reinforcements would charge in on the offensive as they were overpowered by the inhuman strength the creatures possessed. Two gardna from each regiment would flee to the battle against the promised child they targeted and they seemed to flee to an elevator they ran through the center of the museum which granted easy access to each floor. And while the rest of the building wasn’t being fully powered at this moment, the elevator seemed to run fine as the four entered and were carried down to a secret area below the ground floor. “Well, I guess my toys aren’t quite ready to take you guys on yet. But the research from this ordeal will be extremely useful to my superiors. I appreciate you two, and I guess I’ll see you in hell!” The loudspeakers blared out, the man who orchestrated the situation seeming to abandon one plan and administer another. • Ability to break from combat and follow the fleeing Gardna [hr][h3]Geneva, Switzerland Midnight// JANUARY 24[/h3][@Eleven] The touch of Seven’s hand caused her handler to recoil and the man even gasped out in a violent fit of anxiousness. His sights struggled to not glance over to the promised child next to him, but he regained his composure and grunted out in an earnest display of unease. “I’m going to hand you off to someone else’s handler for a little while - until I figure some stuff out. They’re going to be administered the same drug as me to build resistance to your miracle, and they’re going to undergo some training on how to handle you before you meet them. It would be in both of our best interests if you stopped worrying about me, Seven.” The man’s words were cold, and they rushed out as if almost emergent. The two would soon reach the airport, and the driver would after parking the vehicle, step outside and open the door for each of them. “Your plane is already here. 297 is the number.” The driver carefully kept his sights down to the floor as he spoke. Their vehicle sitting in its lonesome in the large parking facility that was attached to the air strip, though a large number of planes were coming and going in the visible distance. • Leaving Geneva for Rome. [hr][h3]Liverpool, England 01:00// JANUARY 24[/h3][@Vocab] TBA [hr][h3]Berlin, Germany 01:00// JANUARY 24[/h3][@Savo] TBA