Penelope watched as Crow walked eagerly over to join her. It seemed he had picked up on what the paper in her hand was. As he slid in across from her, she smirked a little bit, enjoying his rather happy mood. She was glad to see him so lit up because of getting a chance to spend the meal with her and the letter but was caught off guard as he paused to add something else. Her eyes widened in surprise as he revealed that he had gone a night without the nightmares. Knowing he had been plagued by them for quite a while and waking up in such a bad condition, it was wonderful news to find out that, somehow, he had gotten a full nights rest. She opened her mouth, both eager to congratulate him as well as ask him questions about how he managed to do it. However, she didn't get the chance to as an approaching figure caught her eye. Penelope's smile faded as Elizabeth stepped over to his side, displeased to see the noblewoman. She was a bit caught off guard though as she merely stood by Crow's side though rather than sitting down at the table. Perhaps Liz was beginning to back off a bit. Not wanting to get her hopes up though, Penelope quickly shifted her gaze back onto Crow as he ignored her completely. She flashed him a small smile and gave a shrug at his question. If he intended to shut her out, the knight wouldn't hesitate to jump on board. "Hopefully good. It's been a while since I've heard from them after all." she mused, keeping Liz in the corner of her gaze. She would need to figure out other details to talk about if the noblewoman was insistent in staying like usual. Fortunately, it seemed that she had gotten the message a bit quicker than usual. As she left, the knight's shoulders relaxed and she gave a firm nod of agreement at Crow's words. "I did too... At least it seems to be getting easier to get rid of her." she pointed out on a hopeful note. Penelope was optimistic that it meant soon Liz would back off completely and perhaps even return to her home outside the castle. However, she wanted to get away from that topic as she was much more eager to learn about Crow's lack of nightmares. Penelope gave a dismissive wave and then met his gaze with an excited smile. "Alright now that she's gone, how'd you managed no dreams? Do you think they're finally gone now?" she asked. The knight recalled him saying that he had toughed out the nightmares before so perhaps he had reached the finish line again. Regardless, she was happy that he hadn't woken up in such a panicked state for once.