Muerta had been tagging to bathrooms in Baldhouse Park, making sure everyone knew just who those bathrooms belong to. Anybody who would disrespect her bathrooms would pay a hefty price. Perhaps she should start charging people a few just to use those bathrooms. That's when she heard the high pitched music of the ice cream truck and she grinned. It was one of their ice cream trucks, but contrary to popular belief they actually sold ice cream. She figured it would probably be a good idea to grab some ice cream and see how much the truck had made so far today. As she headed towards the truck, however, she saw the strangest sight of two men eating mayo off the tire. It probably wasn't the strangest sight she'd ever seen though. It was then that a gun shot rang out and she watched the ice cream man go down. Rage filled her eyes as she turned to see the perpetrator. She angrily began storming towards Riley, her hand going to her own gun as she did so. "Oi! Pendejo! What gives you the fucking right to shoot my man?!" She yelled at him as she got up in his face. Well as in his face as the 5'0 Latina woman could. "I demand payment. How about I get to shoot something of yours instead?" She asked with a sadistic grin as she held her pistol dangerously close to Riley's nether regions.