Scribe Abbigale Drom [hr] The scribe smiled at the Dwarven black and white thinking, logical, categorical, direct, and protected. “A bag of gems might have bought you a beer or it might finance something like a new mill, bought some slaves the provided laborers that you could have freed,” she said, “ or maybe hired some craftsmen.” She took a sip of a glass of wine then said, “The town is a wash with con artists, pirates and thieves at this point. It is their culture. So yes, the response is harsh. Open defiance of the rule of law needs a harsh response. We are trying to change things and will take some time. Hopefully we can.” Abbigale did not believe that all people were just good. Nor did she believe they were all evil, some people are just more dangerous than others. She didn’t believe that Silverclaw would stay in town. She had shown that she could reach him with her magic and the dreams he would have tonight would help him to buy passage on a ship out of here. The captain was taking this all in. He did not like the elves deception, or what he believed it to be. He asked the engineer, “Do we mine gems?” It was a simple enough question but it had ramifications.