[hider=Princess Asallia Zern] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjEwNi5mNzU5ZjYuVUhKcGJtTmxjM01nUVhOaGJHeHBZU0JhWlhKdS4w/royal-crescent.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/638eba92-fe6f-4473-92b7-b055a01223f1/ddgh0j3-a3a01744-3f21-4a46-9386-d00d466440f3.png/v1/fill/w_746,h_1071,strp/9_17_19_princess_and_the_wyvern_by_crosswire40_ddgh0j3-pre.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTgzNyIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzYzOGViYTkyLWZlNmYtNDQ3My05MmI3LWIwNTVhMDEyMjNmMVwvZGRnaDBqMy1hM2EwMTc0NC0zZjIxLTRhNDYtOTM4Ni1kMDBkNDY2NDQwZjMucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEyODAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.4oMnSBBNmSwW4ZkbwyYliA0kiz6T0ZD7xpba7dh2bLE[/img][/center] [center][h2][b]Peace-Chasing Princess[/b][/h2][/center] [h2][center]476 R.C║Zern Empire║Martian║Female [/center][/h2][h3][b]Physical Appearance [/b][/h3] The Princess stands 5,10 with long silky pink hair, deep emerald eyes, and a slender figure with an ample butt and bust fitting for royalty. She has surprisingly toned and athletic build hidden beneath her dresses and gowns, her fair light skin standing out even amidst her colorful regal clothing. Asallia always does her best to have a smile on her face and stands tall to exude an aura of positivity. Though her eyes tend to carry a look of exhaustion a lot of the time... [h3][b]Personality Traits: [/b][/h3][list][*] Kind [*] Considerate [*] Diplomatic [*] well-Spoken [*] Strong Willed [*] [s]Disillusioned and Doubtful[/s][/list][h3][b]Biography:[/b][/h3] [Color=FFD700]Hello my dear and loyal readers, its me Whispering Will come to give you the latest scoop on things you shouldn’t know in the Empire. Writing about the Royal Family is typically a big no-no. No one cares if the dirt is dug up on nobles given how much mud they sling at one another. Even works criticizing the Royal Family are given a free pass at times, often when those in the Royal Family are in agreement that something is wrong. However, a line is drawn when it comes to the personal lives of those with royal blood. No tabloid published alive would so much as think of breathing a bad word about them and underground publishers are scared to tackle the subject...save for me. I know plenty of you are already salivating at the mouth, imagining all the juicy details on the colorful characters that fill the Royal Family of Mars. However I’m sure you’ll all be surprised when you find out who I’ll be covering in this little pamphlet, back-alley toilet paper of mine. Princess Asallia. “But, Will!” I hear you cry “Why would we want to know about some pink-haired pacifist when we already know everything about her?” Ah, but that my dear readers is where you are mistaken. You think you know everything you need to know about Asallia. And that is exactly what they want. Princess Asallia was born to the Emperor’s first wife and was his third child, putting her at third in line for the throne (or dead last depending on who you ask). Like all proper members of the Royal Family she was raised on Mars and lived the first decade or so of her life in the gilded, garden filled palace of the Zern Empire. From a very young age Asallia was interested in singing, dancing, old-Earth literature, and gardening. Asallia made friends with a lower-noble boy those father owned a shoe factory on Venus. When she was ten years old her friend left with his father to make a trip to the factory so he could oversee how it was operated. However he never returned as he and his father were filled when an attempt at strike breaking turned violent and ended with the destruction of the factory. This event seemed to have a long lasting effect on Asallia as soon afterwards she began to denounce violence and made attempts to better understand the conditions on Mars and Venus. It was assumed by many in the Royal Family that this was just a phase but after three years Asallia’s behavior showed no signs of self-correction. Here is a little known fact for my faithful readers, one few outside of the Royal Family and higher ranked military members know: At one point Asallia was actually enlisted into the military. When Asallia was 13 the Emperor grew concerned about the personal beliefs his daughter held. Given how close she was in succession to the throne, he feared she could do damage to the Empire should she ever take the through. He called Asallia before her and confronted her about the matter. However she refused to yield and as a result was sent to a military academy on Deimos. So yes dear readers, for an entire year the princess was forced through grueling physical and mental training to condition her for combat. Very young enlistments into the Zern Military aren’t as uncommon as you might think, especially for those in the Royal Family and those of noble blood. It's unclear just what she went through on Deimos as no one knows who her instructor was or what classes she was present in. All that is known is the Emperor enrolled her under a false name and pulled strings to ensure the new applicant to the academy would be put through the ringer by staff and students alike. After a year the Princess was allowed to come home in order to participate in a grand ceremony aboard the Venue. And I’m sure everyone reading this is already intimately familiar with what happens next. A famous pirate came very close to killing off the royal family and actually gave the Emperor an injury that has begun to destroy his mind in recent years. However, what few realize is that many, many important details of that event have been obscured by rumor and hearsay. Someone within the Royal Family shot Cathrida. Straight. In. The. Face. Yet bo one has ever been clear about who this was. Some not-so-trustworthy individuals of ‘high acclaim’ have made statements saying they were the one to pull the trigger. Others state that it was simply one of the rank and file in the room who had managed to keep their pistol. Directly or indirectly asked, everyone who was present at the event seems to have a...tension whenever questions are put towards them. The only straight answer this underground writer was able to get was from a dying, borderline senile old man who once acted as a butler for the Royal Family. He claimed that Princess Asallia was the one who fired the shot, with a pistol the pirate butcher herself had given her. Now, I may be considered something of a baseless conspiracy theorist even amongst this communication, but I will be up front and say this: No, the Princess of Peace and Love did not shoot the pirate butcher in the face. However, I will suggest who could have fired the shot. Given Asallia was coming fresh from the military academy back home after a year, it's entirely possible she made an acquaintance. Said acquaintance was allowed to come home with her and attend the event aboard the Venue when everything went wrong. Who do we know who appeared shortly after this event? Who was given the freedom to do essentially whatever he pleased in the Empire? That’s right. The Wyvern. The masked (or helmeted for the pedantic) bodyguard of the Princess who in recent years has become as much a figure of mystery as they have controversy. I would bet anything that he was the whole who pulled his trigger. His action won him the favor of the Emperor himself who, through out of gratefulness or brain damaged delirium, gave him the decree that he did. However, The Wyvern is a story for another article entirely (one that will hopefully come with this one). So for now, let us return to the Princess. After the incident on the Venue things get fuzzy for about two years or so in regards to what the Princess was doing. While still technically enlisted in the military, it's doubtful Asallia likely participated in the mass-purge of pirates that happened afterwards. Given both her beliefs and the state of her father at the time its more plausible she returned home, possibly in a great state of emotional duress. two years later however the Princess returned to the public scene, seemingly back to her old self. At 16 years old the Princess started the “John Huffam Outreach Program” that specifically sought out intelligent children from low-income families on Venus and Luna, giving them a chance to come to Mars and attend the extremely prestigious Martian Institute of Technology. This program of hers ended up catching a lot of flack and resistance, but was the first genuine attempt to act on her beliefs that we the public got to see. Asallia’s efforts gave dozens of children the chance at a better life and helped to create many impressive technical achievements that we have started to see implemented as of late. However, a lot of Asallia’s ‘children’ ended up participating in a number of rather top secret military development programs. It’s not hard to imagine this was not what she intended and was likely the military, or maybe even her siblings, trying to mitigate the success of her program and trample on the propagation of her beliefs. Over the course of the last 7-years or so Asallia has made a number of other gestures towards the poor and downtrodden. Giving speeches and lectures on the nature of peace, writing and freely distributing her research into the matter, and even putting on charity concerts and singing for many in the Empire to here. It's hard to imagine a time when we didn’t know the face and voice of the sweet, kind, and seemingly ineffectual Princess. At the moment it is believed the Princess is headed to Venus to hold an expo displaying the technological wonders being developed by the Empire. However there is a debate on where the expo will be held on Venus and rumors are circulating that military hardware will be shown off. This might be another attempt by the Princess that once again ends up hijacked by someone else.[/color] [b] --"Whispering Will's" Underground Pamphlet Printing. [/b] [h3][b]Skills and Abilities[/b][/h3][color=3CB371][b]Military Training:[/b][/color] Princes Asallia was sent to a military academy when she was young and ended up serving the military for an unspecified amount of time. The full extent of what she learned or didn't learn isn't clear, but it can be assumed she knows enough to defend herself halfway decently. Of course weather or not she'd even do that is a subject for debate. [color=3CB371][b]Refined Human:[/b][/color] Being in the Royal Family and having a long history of genetic modification, Asallia is a Refined Human much like many of her brothers and sisters. Her overall physical capabilities are greater then that of a normal, baseline human being and she is more resistant to disease and illness. As a Refined she is capable of entering into a state of heightened physical performances known as "Overclocking". When in this state she is temporarily able to react, move, and process information at a considerably faster rate. This enhances their ability to fight inside and outside of a cockpit, at least temporarily. The state is difficult and exhausting to maintain. Though its unlikely Asallia would ever use this. [color=3CB371]Diplomacy and Discussion:[/color] Being dedicated to a philosophy of peace and understanding, Asallia has made considerable efforts to become skilled in the art of discussion and diplomacy. As such she has a strong grasp of the important aspects of diplomacy and retains and open, empathetic minds towards the blights of others. Asallia is also a capable public speaker. [color=3CB371]Songstress:[/color] Having a lot of the arts and a naturally sweet voice, Asallia is also skilled as a singer and dancer. Though trained to sing classically, Asallia prefers to sing in a "J-Pop" style that she feels is less formal and more expressive and emotive. [h3][b]Personal Items and Equipment[/b][/h3] -Nothing of Note[h3][b]Strengths and Weaknesses[/b][/h3] As a member of the Royal Family Asallia has a certain degree of connections and influence she can take advantage of. She has the knowledge and skills needed to engage in diplomacy, discussion, and the development of peaceful resolutions towards problems. Yet there are limits to what she can get away with and who will listen to and permit her plans. Since she refrains from the use of physical violence she has little actual means of stopping fights herself or participating in them. Those simply unwilling to listen or engage in discussion can make her completely and utterly irrelevant. On top of this there are plenty on Mars who disagree with her approach to things and wish to see her actively sabotaged. [h3][b]Chosen Mobile Weapon[/b][/h3] None.[hr] [/hider][hider=The Wyvern] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi5kMGNkY2QuVTJseUlGUm9ZV3h0YjNJZ1YzbDJaWEp1LjE,/knights-quest.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]-place character reference here[/img][/center] [center][h2][b]The Wyvern- Avocati[/b][/h2][/center] [h2][center]476 R.C║Zern Empire║Martian║Male [/center][/h2][h3][b]Physical Appearance [/b][/h3] Wyvern stands 5,11 with his body and face hidden by a black pilot suit and custom helmet. No one knows what lies beneath the suit and mask, but may have speculated. Everyone is firmly agreed that the Wyvern is a man and even with the padding on his suit it seems clear that they are very fit. As if to add even more menace to his dark appearance, the Wyvern has scratched a dragon-like maw into the reflective surface of his helmet visor. This doesn't effect his vision as he cannot see it from his 'side' of the helmet, but all those staring into his face will end up looking into the maw of the dragon... [h3][b]Personality Traits: [/b][/h3] [list] [*] Quiet [*] Fierce [*] Aggressive [*] Cynical [*] Violent [*] Stalwart [/list][h3][b]Biography:[/b][/h3] [Color=FFD700]Hello again loyal readers, I am Whispering Will coming at you with another edition of things you shouldn’t know in the Empire. Today I will be cutting right to the chase and speaking about him. You know who he is, the masked man, the Very little is known about the Wyvern. So much so that baseless speculation and crackpot theories about him have practically become a market of writing in their own right. Whatever slivers of truth about him are often buried under a mountain of “pence dreadfuls” and speculative nonsense. However I have finally bitten the bullet and have brought to you what truth I have managed to discern about the matter. I will say to my readers however to take what I write with an ounce of salt. You should never take information at face value, even mine, question everything. Now the first records of the Wyvern showing up happen shortly after the incident on the Venue where the Emperor was shot by the Butcher of Banzing. Now if you read my pamphlet about Princess Asallia (which you should) you would know I proposed that the one who shot the Butcher was the Wyvern himself. Why do I suggest this? Well this low-ranking nobody appears in the military with a special decree from the Emperor, written to give him free reign to do whatever he needs to in order to keep Princess Asallia safe. Now for those who don’t know, an Imperial Decree is a very, VERY big deal. It is the word of the Emperor in document form. Whatever is written there is treated as law and depending on how it is written, its meaning can be stretched and abused by the one that holds it. There are entire history books on the Zern Empire detailing the trouble that came from older, poorly worded Imperial decrees and the difficulties later Emperors had in trying to deal with them. The decree the Wyvern was given was very simple, but at the same time incredibly blunt. Many almost automatically assumed the young, mask wearing boy had taken advantage of the Emperor’s damaged mental health to come into an incredible amount of power. I however made the suggestion in the previous pamphlet that the decree was given to the Wyvern for shooting the Butcher of Banzing, ultimately saving his life and the life of the royal family. Its mere speculation, but there is evidence to back that up. Now initially the Wyvern did nothing with the decree, outside of pushing to be sent into battle against the pirates on a near constant basis and occasionally disappear from the military at his leisure. Though viewed with suspicion and irritation by many, the Wyvern’s accomplishments could not be denied. He single handedly put an end to many, many famous pirates including the Butcher of Banzing herself. After the drop off in pirates, the Wyvern took up the role of bodyguard to Princess Asallia and became her often unseen protector. During this time the Wyvern became something of a celebrity, shrouded in mystery and charm. He saved the life of the Princess several times and had a hand in ensuring the safety of other members of the Royal Family. However, it wasn’t long before a different side of the Wyvern became abundantly clear. During a trip to Luna where the Princess was to host a charity of sorts, a protest was launched against the limited opportunities for Lunites and a ship was stolen. Several Martians were taken hostage and the protectors made a list of demands. While the Princess wished to resolve the situation through diplomacy, the Wyvern used his decree and authority to put down the protect with extreme force. Using a mobile suit he disabled the ship and killed all of the Lunites onboard, succeeding in only saving two of the hostages they had taken. This would only be one of many incidents the Wyvern would be a part of. Many in the Zern Empire’s military appreciated the Wyvern’s ‘firm hand’ in dealing with criminals, pirates, and terrorists. His refusal to negotiation or bend at the knee was exactly the kind of projection of power many in the higher brass wished to see. Others simply viewed him as a brute and a murderer who deliberately denied situations to resolve issues through diplomacy. The sheer duality between the peace loving Princess and her seeming bloodthirsty bodyguard is almost like something out of a novel. It comes off at times that the Wyvern intentionally acts in opposition to the Princess’s mindset, giving an almost abusive tint to their relationship as protected and protector. Many have romanticized this as a “Beauty and the Beast” type scenario, but it's unlikely any romantic feelings are involved. Given the...strained relationship between the Emperor and Asallia , it is entirely possible the Wyvern was given his decree under the stipulation he keep the princess’s beliefs in check. This gives an almost tragic element to the Princess many see as naive and foolish. She has a lingering specter of violence looming over her at all times, swooping down whenever things go awry and ruining any chance to put her beliefs into practice. The biggest mystery of the Wyvern, why her wears a pilot suit and never takes it off, was actually elaborated on by the Princess herself. In a rare interview I managed to dig up she offhandedly mentioned that her bodyguard always wears a pilot suit because he was briefly sucked out into space during an accident. They were quickly saved before the could decompress and die, but the incident affected them so much they refuse to take off their suit. [/color] [h3][b]Skills and Abilities[/b][/h3][color=3CB371][b]Refined Human:[/b][/color] The Wyvern is a Refined human. Their overall physical capabilities are greater then that of a normal, baseline human being and he is more resistant to disease and illness. As a Refined he is capable of entering into a state of heightened physical performances known as "Overclocking". When in this state he is temporarily able to react, move, and process information at a considerably faster rate. This enhances their ability to fight inside and outside of a cockpit. The Wyvern has trained themselves to maintain this Overclocked state for longer periods of time and have a stimulant injection system built right into their pilot suit, ensuring they don't fatigue as quickly due to this. [color=3CB371][b]Ace Pilot[/b][/color]: To put it bluntly the Wyvern is an Ace Pilot. They have several years of combat and piloting experience, having fought during the Rebirth of Piracy and killed many of the influential pirates that arose during that time. The skill they possess allows them to take advantage of high mobility mobile suits and make the best use out of them. Their high speed, precision style of combat is highly honed from many many kills on both ships and enemy mobile units. [color=3CB371][b]Imperial Decree[/b][/color]: The Wyvern was given an Imperial Decree that allows them to do anything "...Necessary to ensure the safety of Princess Asallia.". This gives them a tremendous amount of authority and due to the simple wording they can stretch this to allow them to do a lot of fights. However they mainly use this as an excuse to involve themselves in various battles and fight. [h3][b]Personal Items and Equipment[/b][/h3] [u][b]Custom Pilot Suit[/b][/u] The Wyvern wears a custom, jet black pilot suit that they are believed to never take off. It has noticeably padding and nanocarbon plates sewn into it, giving them protection from small arms fire. On top of alleviating the effects of G-forces to a certain degree, the suit also has a system that allows the automatic injection of stimulants during fights. This helps to fight off fatigue and allows them to take in other fluids without having to take off their suit or helmet. [u][b]Antique Pistol[/b][/u]: The Wyvern carries with them an antique pistol that they have had re-chambered for modern rounds and refurbished. It was known as a C96 Mauser on Earth, a large short-action recoil semi-automatic pistol currently fed by a twenty round ejectable magazine. They wear the gun on their thigh in a large holster, often kept intentionally visible. [h3][b]Strengths and Weaknesses[/b][/h3] The Wyvern is a faster, monstrous fighter with no hesitation and no remorse on the field of battle. They excel in outmaneuvering and dealing massive casualties to less mobile forces. Their experience with pirates and rebels alike gives them insight into the movements of the Mekon Movement and makes them a particularly cunning foe. On the ground or in a mobile suit they are a terrifying force that can actually effect the morale of those who recognize them. However they have a tendency to fight and operate largely alone. Their mysterious and aloof nature often leaves them with a lack of support and has their own allies angry or suspicious with them. Though their imperial decree allows them to get away with a lot, their are limits. [h3][b]Chosen Mobile Weapon[/b][/h3] ✦ ZIMS-02R Tommy Command Type [/hider]