IT's been requested of me to go with my other choice, due to the complications that Absalom brings with him in such a setting. So, Mr. Ninja is up. [hider=Zabuza Momochi] [center][img][/img][/center] _________________________________________________________________________________________ [b]Class:[/b] [i]Assassin[/i] [b]Name\Title:[/b] Kirigakure Saizō , [i]The Assassin of Hidden Mist[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Male _______________________________ [b]Short Bio/Synopsis:[/b] A legendary ninja of the final phase of the Sengoku period of Japan. In the folklore he is one of the Sanada Ten Braves, and next to Sarutobi Sasuke, he is the most recognized of the Ten. As in the case of Sasuke, Saizō might be a fictional creation of the Meiji-period popular literature, possibly based on Kirigakure Shikaemon. There is a historical record of a failed assassination attempt by a ninja called Kirigakure Saizō, sent by the warlord Tokugawa Ieyasu to kill his rival Toyotomi Hideyoshi. According to another version of this incident, the "careless ninja" Saizō was captured while only spying on Hideyoshi, which actually saved the life of the warlord because he was about to be killed by a double agent, Yusuke Takiguchi; Saizō's life was then spared on the condition of declaring loyalty to the Toyotomi clan. _______________________________ [b]Stats:[/b] [i]Strength:[/i] C [i]Endurance:[/i] D [i]Agility:[/i] A [i]Mana:[/i] B [i]Luck:[/i] C- (Lowered when actively spying on others.) [i]Noble Phantasm:[/i] B _______________________________ [b]Class Skill:[/b] [i]- Presence Concealment A+:[/i] Hides one's presence as a Servant. Suitable for spying. It is possible to disappear completely and become almost impossible to be detected, even against a Servant's perception. However, efficiency will decrease once preparations to attack are taken. [b]Personal Skills:[/b] [i]- Ninjutsu A+:[/i] The general term for the secret intelligence techniques, combat techniques, larceny techniques, torture techniques, etc., employed by ninjas. Its system differs between each school. At A+ Rank, one can be said to be just below the class of Iga and Koga's head. For Kirigakure, his particular methods of assassination seem to revolve around the usage of mist, and illusions magic. [i]- Aptitude for Slaughter A:[/i] A Skill possessed by Heroic Spirits fitting the Assassin or Berserker classes. Any weapon wielded reaches its peak for effectively killing people. Even his bare hands have the ability to kill a man, with bonuses directed at 'human' targets. [i]- Single-Mindedness C:[/i] The ability to immerse oneself in something, exhibiting a superhuman degree of focus. By immersing oneself into a single task (ex: Spying, fighting, or delivering pizza) the user of this skill gains a modifier in whatever action they're undertaking. This has the side effect of making it harder to detect changes or sudden interference. [b]Noble Phantasm:[/b] [hider=Noble Phantasms] [b]Title:[/b] Kirigakure: Hidden in One's True Name [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]NP Type:[/b] Territory [b]Range:[/b] [b]Maximum Number of Targets:[/b] [b]Description:[/b] The legend of Kirigakure Saizo is one of a man who's name means 'Hidden Mist.' Thus, a man who could manipulate the weather itself to create perfect illusions, from which he would kill his targets. The noble phantasm that was spawned from this story is not something gained after becoming a heroic spirit, but a collection of actual magecraft he preformed in life, distilled into a singular form. Saizo is able to generate a mist around him. But the control over this mist is far greater than the control possessed by a certain london servant who murdered prostitutes. Rather, his control absolutely perfect, and encompassed all kinds of control. Taste, color, motion. Such a perfect control that he could instill it with chemicals designed to force people into a deep sleep, or even death. He was able to create fake buildings, people to populate it, and at certain points, entire crowds of people. Such perfect illusions that even with magecraft, it'd be nearly impossible to identify which of them was real. In this regard, he can perfectly replicate an image of his master. The only true flaw of this, is that the objects creates, are indeed mist. And do not possess a physical form. Meaning they can't actively attack others. It is not flawless though. It is limited to an area that Kirigakure Saizo is occupying. The further he is from the mist, the more tiny details slip him by. At about fifty meters the details on a human face became noticeably wrong, and motions lose their details. Turning people into obvious fakes. A building at fifty meters will lose the details in its moldings, and look almost flat and lifeless. Another detail he cannot hide is the chill of the air. The air becomes wet and heavy, something that is impossible to notice on a rainy night, but noticeably obvious when the day is hot and dry. [/hider] _______________________________ [b]Weapon:[/b] Kirigakure Saizo possesses multiple weapons. Primarily he is seen wielding a short katana, kunai, shuriken, and the odd poison if required. Another weapon is gas grenades, often containing mist or water that can be used to help slip up a target. [b]Misc/Other/Trivia:[/b] - Saizo's alignment is Neutral, as he makes bets on no causes other than his own. - His natural enemy is Sarutobi Sasuke, who he wishes to face again. - Saizo's alternative class is Caster, which he feels is a downgrade. But, if summoned as a caster, he gains an additional noble phantasm that allows him to summon a great mist dragon. [/hider]