To say that Grey had been sleeping that night would have been close to a lie. She had spent her night thinking, planning, trying to find out as much as possible about the new [i]problem[/i]. Having methodically gone trough what sparse information that she could scavenge about the city and the hero. The lack of sleep was not ideal for her type of work, taking a long cold shower to combat, what she felt was a sluggish and cotton filled mind. Going for a run to get her blood pumping, she wasn't sure sbout how long she had run, she put two fingers on her neck, checking her puls. Grey looked around, spotting a small coffee shop. The door signaling her entrance with a 'ding', looking around the room with cool, grey eyes before, walking up to the counter area. Sweat beads having formed on her forehead as she picked up an overpriced bottle of mineral water. "I'll take this." She placed the water on the counter. The waitress ringed up her total and Grey took a seat at one of the tables.