The patter of stony hooves clip-clopping against the cobbled stone road leading into Palisade heralded the arrival of yet another adventurer to this frontier town. A young girl dressed in foreign garb rode in past the wooden walls that kept this town safe from the threats of the outside, and as she paid to stable her horse, she would look out at the town before a warm, affectionate brush of a snout against her shoulder redrew her attention to her horse. A grin crossed her lips as her slight hands reached up to pat at her companion's cheeks. [color=CC6633][b]"I won't be too long, Torchfire. You sit tight. Be a good girl, okay?"[/b][/color] she would ask, to which she received a slight huff from the horse. That meant yes. Taking off with her gear on her back, the archer of the Steppes would stride proudly through the streets, taking in the interesting sights and sounds of a permanent settlement. Her curiosity would have to wait however, as she only had enough money to live off of for a few days, at best. Keeping a horse stabled was expensive, after all. Pushing the doors open to the adventurer's guild, the girl would practically skip in. Registration would take a moment, but she had thankfully learned to read and write from her mother, so filling out the application was as simple as could be. With her newly christened Porcelain rank, Steppe Archer looked over the various requests available and pondered which would best suit her. [color=CC6633][b]"Hrm..."[/b][/color] she said, furrowing her brow at the three "best" options for a Porcelain rank. She'd heard tales of some hunters from neighboring tribes contesting with Goblin raiders, so she at least knew they lived in caves. That was...bad, to say the least for her abilities. She wasn't accustomed to woodlands, and trying to shoot through such thick foliage would mean her accuracy would suffer. The Giant Rat Extermination quest had a similar issue with how tight the corners of the sewers were, but at least rats weren't exactly known to have weapons. And...ditch cleaning was...well, she understood the importance of it, but the pay was lesser than the others. Looking over the rat quest once more, she thought about the possibilities it presented, namely in that rats could at least be skinned for pelts. Goblin hide wasn't particularly tough, so it was useless to collect it. Smiling confidently, she would grab the quest and consider getting help. Seeing an individual off by his lonesome munching on an apple. She didn't really know why he seemed to be avoided by other people, but at least saw the glint of the white porcelain tag in place on his person. Approaching, the girl would peek her head down to catch a glimpse of his dagger, before she asked: [color=CC6633][b]"Um...are you new here too? I was thinking of taking this quest to take care of some rats, and was wondering if you'd be willing to help. We'd split the pay, of course."[/b][/color] Shade could probably infer, this girl had absolutely no idea why people would avoid a Dark Elf.