[@Parallel Hearts] Alright, sorry to bug you but just wanted to get an okay for these changes: [hider] [list] [*]Added a small healing effect to the Fomonar Brooch Mystic Code [*]Changed the playing card mystic code into a deck box, see full details below (1) [*]Added a completely new protective mystic code, see full details below (2) [*]Mentioned her runic body effect in the magecraft section and changed her special boon to a low level mystic eyes, full details below but it's basically heroic's suggestion to a T. (3) [hider=(1) Deck Box]An intricate case for holding cards in, it has been etched with magic runes for the purpose of instantly charging any item placed inside with mana, allowing them to be quickly enchanted with spells. Mercedes' uses it to carry her preferred method of divination: a standard 52 card French playing deck. In addition to being used as quick and dirty spell containers, any card charged with mana cannot be destroyed by conventional means (they can be destroyed with magecraft or magic). Though their main use (besides divination and games) is to act as spell containers, their toughness can be utilized in many ways, such as cutting things or deflecting non-magical attacks. Because some of Mercedes' mana is in each card, she always knows the location of them, and they can be also used as makeshift tracking devices.[/hider] [hider=(2) New Mystic Code][u][i]Cloak of Anti-Magic[/i][/u] A heavy coat woven with mana absorbing fibers and enchanted with magecraft. The fabric extinguishes most projectile spells, protecting the wearer from harm. It is especially useful for protecting one's back. It is limited to modern spells and can't protect against curses, Age of Gods level spells or True Magic. Mercedes wears it over her shoulders more like a cape than a coat.[/hider] [hider=(3) Mystic Eyes][i][b]Mystic Eyes of Projection[/b][/i] Mystic eyes with the power to use magecraft at a distance. For Mercedes', a rune user, this means conjuring runes without the need to draw them. Mercedes' forged these mystic eyes in order to better keep herself alive during her assignments. Anything she focuses on with her eyes can be inscribed with a rune. With enough focus, this can also include targets with certain levels of magic resistance. Because she was not born with these mystic eyes, extended use of them takes a heavy toll on both her magic circuits and her eyesight. She will use them when she needs to but prefers not to reveal this trump card unless necessary, especially in drawn out battles.[/hider] [/list][/hider] If the cloak mystic code is approved I would expect someone like Yuriko to be easily able to find any flaws in it to disable or destroy it.