WIP NS [centre][img=http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/spore/images/thumb/f/fc/ImperialFlag.png/500px-ImperialFlag.png][/centre] [centre]Name of nation: The Empire of Tel'char[/centre] [centre]Main Species: Humans, Ilythiiri, Kravshorn, Zarterri, Kushites[/centre] [centre]Description of government: Hereditary Autocratic Empire, ruled by Emperor Constantine V. The Emperor holds absolute power over the Empire, his will enacted by several Grand Governors that oversee the various sectors of Imperial space. The Grand Governors delegate their own responsibilities to their Section Governors, who are responsible for their own systems. The bureaucracy of the Tel'charian Empire is sprawling and vast, yet surprisingly efficient, as things do get done, and they get done with reasonable efficiency. The Grand Governors constantly conspire to gain the attention and favour of the Emperor, but all of them know that it is fruitless to plot to overthrow him: the Emperor's eyes and ears are everywhere, and treason is punishable by death.[/centre] [centre]Description of military: The Imperial military is wide-ranging, bulky and devastating when its firepower is brought to bear on an unsuspecting enemy, or even a very much suspecting enemy. Depending on which service is attacking/defending, the Imperial military doctrine ranges from hit-and-run attacks to all-out assaults using hundreds of thousands of soldiers throwing themselves at fortifications to bring them down through weight of numbers, whilst in the air, interceptors and fighters battle it out against their opponents and lumbering bombers disgorge their contents onto the enemy from above. From the scalpel of the Emperor to his sledgehammer, the Imperial military is capable of both defending their worlds and conquering other systems. The main forces of the Empire are, unsurprisingly, the Imperial Army and the Imperial Navy (they're very creative with their names, you know), whilst the more specialised arms of the military range from the Special Operations Executives to the Imperial Marines.[/centre] [centre] [hider= The Imperial Army] The Imperial Army is the name given to the sprawling mass of troops that the Tel'charians use to fight their land wars. The Army is divided into oversimplified divisions, as simplification is required to fight wars on such a scale. On the face of things, each division is equally as able to fight as the next division, however with the disparity between armoured, artillery, infantry and super-heavy divisions, this is rarely the case, with one armoured platoon given the same weighting as a whole infantry company. Therefore, it is often the case that divisions will go into combat slightly under or overstaffed, with supply levels varying from not-quite-adequate to oversupplied with weapons and equipment. However, the Army is still a potent fighting force that can dispatch almost any enemy of the Tel'charian Empire. The main arm of the Army is, of course, the infantry. The standard infantryman carries a broad responsibility on his back; the defence of the Empire from those that threaten it. The infantry of the Tel'charian Empire can be found on all battlefields the Imperial Army fights upon, from the most isolated defence outpost to quelling riots on a core world. The infantryman's standard equipment is basic, but sufficient: a laser rifle capable of delivering powerful shots that can blow holes through concrete and penetrate most basic body armour, body armour that can deflect fire from many standard small arms in the galaxy, and three or four grenades that can give the infantryman a degree of counter-vehicle ability. The weapons utilised by the infantry are varied, but most devastating. The secondary arm of the Army is the Armoured Divisions. Armoured warfare is integral to the Empire's system of warfare, despite its 'secondary' role to the infantry. It is the tanks of the armoured divisions that often give the infantry the backbone to punch through and achieve their objectives. [/hider] [/centre] [centre] [hider=The Imperial Navy] The largest and most prestigious force in the Empire, the Imperial Navy is the Emperor's will made manifest. A complex array of many different types of ships and different classes, the Imperial Navy is the equivalent to the Army on land - a true sledgehammer of force that can batter their way through almost any defence matrix that this galaxy can hope to put up. Regardless of casualties, the Navy will press on towards their objective, whatever that may be. [b]List of ship classes:[/b] DC-85 [i]Darrington[/i]-class Corvette: The DC-85 corvette is equipped with light weaponry designed to destroy incoming fighters, torpedoes and other incoming projectiles, such as railgun rounds or mass driver projectiles. However, because of its role as a screening ship, the DC-85 is not built to take hits from anything above fighter-level weaponry, with comparatively weak shielding, especially when compared to the mighty capital-designated ships of the Empire. The DC-85 performs its role as screening and escort corvette adequately enough, though it is unsuitable for heavy-duty combat. [/hider] [/centre] [centre] [hider=The Special Operations Executives] [/hider] [/centre] [centre] [hider=The Imperial Marines] [/hider] [/centre] [centre]History:[/centre]