[@SSW] I'm actually waiting to see all the Servants myself! I do love the idea of pairing with an Englishmen though, but all of them are still free besides Lohengrin. (I see how it is, swan queen D:<) [@Parallel Hearts] Thank you! [@KoL] Hmmmmm, I think it is a good idea to explore something between our characters! Charlie is a bit of nerd, so she has a tendency to immerse herself in her studies and magical pursuits instead of interacting with others. This has only become worse with her current position as [s]slave[/s] assistant. Still, as someone who (begrudgingly) has attended a lot of lectures in Norwich, and has relations with the staff in it, she would frequently visit and run into others. The basic idea of what the family can do is probably known about if anyone dug hard enough, though the family has tried hard to preserve the mystery of the more expanded stuff. Considering Alex has (seemingly) done extensive research on the eyes, she might even be able to recognize that her eyes are, at the very least, potentially related to them. They're seemingly consistently purple (just pretend Charlie has purple eyes too plz ;w;)