[COLOR=FIREBRICK][indent][h1][sub][i][B]O U T O F C H A R A C T E R[/B][/i][/sub][/h1][/indent][hr][indent][COLOR=DARKORANGE][b][sub]═══════════════ P O S T L E N G T H ═══════════════[/sub][/b] [COLOR=GRAY][indent][i]Variable. Length is entirely dependent on the situation. My minimum posting length would likely clock in around three to four paragraphs. Smaller if I was responding directly to someone and not trying to advance the scene myself. When I'm driving the plot, my posts often run between 3000 to 6000 words as needed to properly advance the plot and/or scene. I strive to avoid writing posts which don't accomplish anything and prefer to optimize my content no matter the word count.[/i][/INDENT][/COLOR] [b][sub]══════ C O L L A B O R A T I V E P R E F E R E N C E S ══════[/sub][/b] [COLOR=GRAY][indent][i]I don't enjoy writing out player versus player combat at all. I find it becomes a battle of egos and often drags on far too long, boiling down to strike, dodge, counterstrike repeat. That said, collaborative posts are ideal for conversations so long as everyone in the scene is able to be included. I'm a strong believer in outlining collabs before writing them. A skeletal outline help keeps the collab on task and prevents it from becoming a ramble. Too often I've seen collabs that are supposed to be a quick conversation between two characters become a fluff piece that does little beyond spotlighting the characters involved to only the benefit of the egos of those involved. Ideally, collabs should also be written from an agreed-upon perspective. Changes in perspective every paragraph are jarring and break up the flow of the piece. In this case, you'd be better off to post back and forth instead of bothering with the collaborative effort.[/i][/INDENT][/COLOR] [b][sub]══════════ W R I T I N G P R E F E R E N C E S ═══════════[/sub][/b] [COLOR=GRAY][indent][i]Grammar and depth of writing matter to me but not to the point of being a stickler. I enjoy a well-written post as much as the next roleplayer, however, being technically sound doesn't always make a piece enjoyable. There are plenty of writers on the forum who suffer from consistent typos and breaks in syntax without sacrificing reader enjoyment. This is a hobby, people make mistakes. Just make your posts legible without blatant errors and I'll be happy.[/i][/INDENT][/COLOR] [b][sub]═══════════════ P L O T C A N D I E S ═══════════════[/sub][/b] [COLOR=GRAY][indent][i]Thematically, I'd like to explore more of the 'Space Western' side of Star Wars with my character and his supporting cast. Hunting, heists and capers are all crucial to this character's build and themes. There will be no shortage of seedy exchanges and shady employees for Sabata and the Starbird Courier and Cargo crew. Additionally, both Mandalorian culture and their identity are also equally as important to explore with Sabata. Mandalorians get a bad rap for being all business and war, but their culture goes far beyond that and is built around family. These themes would be a lot of fun to explore especially given how blood relation and birthplace means so little to them.[/i][/INDENT][/COLOR] [b][sub]══════════════════ D I S L I K E S ══════════════════[/sub][/b] [COLOR=GRAY][indent][i]I'm not fond of plots which are drawn out for no reason beyond players wanting to showboat or simply find themselves in a ramble. Likewise, I'm not a fan of forced interaction, especially if said interaction doesn't advance either character or the story. In general, I can say that I'm not a fan of posts which don't 'go' anywhere.[/i][/INDENT][/COLOR] [b][sub]══════════════════ N O - G O E S ══════════════════[/sub][/b] [COLOR=GRAY][indent][i]Given the amount of work that goes into these sheets, I'd rather not have the character die unnecessarily. Beyond that, I don't do forced plots or interactions simply because someone wants to interact with my character. If our plots cross naturally, I welcome that but don't ask me to be shoehorned into a story simply because you think my character would be fun to interact with. I'll take organic growth and interaction any day over predetermined bogus that breaks characterization.[/i][/INDENT][/COLOR] [b][sub]═══════════════════ G O A L S ═══════════════════[/sub][/b] [COLOR=GRAY][indent][i]I am a long-term planner. I'll develop an over arching story and then layout it on a post by post basis of how I want to accomplish it. I have no issue in writing solo to achieve these plans but also don't mind working with others if our situations align. That said, my plot will primarily be driven by Sabata's need to redeem himself in the eyes of the [b]Resol'nare[/b] while also taking work both for himself and alongside the crew of the [b]Jai'Galaar[/b].[/i][/INDENT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/indent] [hr][/COLOR]