[COLOR=FIREBRICK][CENTER][h1][b][i]S A B A T A E L D A R[/i][/b][/h1][COLOR=silver][sub][i]"I don't allow the beasts to suffer, only the [b]animals[/b]."[/i][/sub][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=GRAY][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][sub][COLOR=DARKORANGE][b]═════════ H O L O N E T I M A G E ════════[/b][/COLOR][/sub] [color=DarkSlateGray][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color][abbr=The fact that you can see me says that I'm not here to kill you. Otherwise, you'd already be dead.][img]https://i.imgur.com/Bf9jHbO.png[/img][/abbr] [hider=Additional Image: Out of Armor][color=2c2c2c]PLACEHOLDER][/COLOR] [url=https://imgur.com/alFXvLT][img]https://i.imgur.com/sj6c5GA.png[/img][/url] [color=2c2c2c]PLACEHOLDER][/COLOR][/hider][color=DarkSlateGray][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] [suP][COLOR=DARKORANGE][b]════════ T R I B A L R E C O R D ═════════[/b][/COLOR][/suP] [sub]Sabata Eldar, Son of Declan [color=DarkSlateGray][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] Clan Eldar of House Bralor [color=DarkSlateGray][b]|[/b][/color] 36 [color=DarkSlateGray][b]|[/b][/color] Kiffar [color=DarkSlateGray][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] Widower [color=DarkSlateGray][b]|[/b][/color] ♂ [color=DarkSlateGray][b]|[/b][/color] Demisexual [color=DarkSlateGray][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] Big-Game Hunter & Gun For Hire [color=DarkSlateGray][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] Born: Dxun [color=DarkSlateGray][b]|[/b][/color] Currently: Naboo [COLOR=DARKORANGE][b]═══════ P H Y S I C A L P R O F I L E ═══════[/b][/COLOR][/sub][/center] [hider=][indent][sub][b]▼ B O D Y S T A T I S T I C S[/b][/SUB] [color=silver][sup][color=DarkSlateGray]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] ► [B]Height[/B] - 1.8m ► [b]Weight[/b] - 82.5kg ► [b]Build[/b] - Athletic ► [b]Hair Colour[/b] - Dark Brown ► [b]Eye Colour[/b] - Amber ► [b]Skin Tone[/b] - Bronze ► [b]Scars[/b] - Numerous ► [b]Tattoos[/b] - Several[/SUP][/color] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider][CENTER][SUB][COLOR=DARKORANGE][b]═════ P E R F O R M A N C E R E C O R D ═════[/b][/COLOR][/sub][/center] [hider=][indent][sub][b]▼ A C H I E V E M E N T S[/b][/sub] [color=silver][sup][color=DarkSlateGray]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] ► [abbr=As part of his verd'goten, Sabata was tasked with killing the dangerous predator which he managed to do so with only the traditional Mandalorian saber.][b]Killed a Maalraas[/b][/abbr] - [I]1310 PRE[/I] ► [abbr=Serving aboard a Mandalorian Cruiser during the Blockade of the Hydian Way, Sabata quickly took to calibrating the weapons systems and gained the respect of his peers. This led to him commanding others in the maintance and calibration of the cruiser's weapons systems.][b]The Mandalorian Blockade[/b][/abbr] - [I]1320 PRE[/I] ► [abbr=A notable failure in the Imperial Campaign against the Republic, Sabata served on Ord Radama performing numerous anti-insurgent operations and helping take the capital city. Unlike numerous others, however, Sabata was able to escape with his life after the city's destruction.][b]Survived Ord Radama[/b][/abbr] - [I]1320 PRE[/I] ► [abbr=A continual ally to the Sith and loyal to the Mand'alor, Sabata was present during the Sacking of Courscant. Aiding the other clans along with the Imperial Army in holding the city, he was considered and exemplary soldier despite the fact his faith began to wavier after this event.][b]Sacking of Coruscant[/b][/abbr] - [I]1327 PRE[/I] ► [abbr=While leading an expedition on Naboo, the group turned on Sabata revealing themselves to be an ambush sent to kill him. Despite being outgunned and overpowered, Sabata managed to not only survive by kill those who had attacked him.][b]Survived Ambush[/b][/abbr] - [I]1329 PRE[/I][/sup][/color] [SUB][b]▼ F A I L U R E S[/b][/sub] [color=silver][sup][color=DarkSlateGray]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] ► [abbr=While serving aboard the Mandalorian Cruiser, the 'Adenn'parjai', Sabata miscalibrated the ship's weapons systems resulting in near-power failure when the vessel opened fire. Due to this, the vessel was left unshielded and suffered heavy damage and casualties.][b]Battle Near Devaron[/b][/abbr] - [I]1319 PRE[/I] ► [abbr=While serving on Ord Radama, Sabata was unable to prevent the death of his father nor recover the body despite his best efforts.][b]Death of Declan Eldar[/b][/abbr] - [I]1320 PRE[/I] ► [abbr=In the aftermath of the Sacking of Coruscant, Sabata was disheartened with the current Mand'alor's decisions to remain loyal to the Sith Empire. Joining a coup in the form of the Crusader's Schism, Sabata aided them before their demise at the hands of Mandalore the Vindicated. This event would ultimately go on to mark him a target.][b]The Crusader's Schism[/b][/abbr] - [I]1327 PRE[/I] ► [abbr=Due to aiding the Crusader's Schism, a survivor by the name of Jedys Kelborn swore revenge against Sabata for not standing alongside the other Crusader's during battle. In retaliation, he hunted down Sabata and murdered both Amira and Tyri while Sabata was leading an expedition.][b]Death of Wife and Child[/b][/abbr] - [I]1329 PRE[/I][/SUP][/color] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider][CENTER][SUB][COLOR=DARKORANGE][b]═════ M I S C E L L A N E O U S I T E M S ═════[/b][/COLOR][/sub][/CENTER] [hider=][indent][SUB][b]▼ B E L O N G I N G S[/b][/sub] [color=silver][sup][color=DarkSlateGray]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] ► [abbr=Made primarily of Durasteel, Sabata's armour has very limited beskar in its composition compared to traditional sets of armour due to the rarity of the resource. Only his helmet and vambraces are comprised of the legendary metal. The remainder of the armour was forged using durasteel and is worn atop an armourweave flight suit. (Refer to Holonet Image and Detailed Description for Appearance)][b]Beskar'gam[/b][/abbr] - Mandalorian Armour ► [abbr=Sabata's Vambraces contain plates of beskar secured to a servo motor that when activated can fan out to create a small, personal combat shield. Where traditional Mandalorian Bracers often contained a plasma shield, Sabata opted for this design due to personal preferences. While both vambraces are equipped with these deployable shields, they each were equipped with a unique arsenal. The right vambrace was equipped with a whipcord thrower that could double as a grappling line in addition to a dart launcher armed with a paralytic agent. The left vambrace was more offensive, containing a flamethrower and flechette launcher which could take unsuspecting opponents by surprise.][b]Mandalorian Vambraces[/b][/abbr] - Customized ► [abbr=Sabata's boots in addition to providing protection to the wearer also increase his jumping ability and soften his falls. This is done through the inclusion of repulsorlift boosters which are attached to either boot. These devices increase the height and speed at which Sabata can jump while also allowing him to descend towards the ground slower and more softly to prevent injury from falling. Like most Mandalorians, Sabata's boots also contain electromagnets in the soles that can be activated to adhere to surfaces such as exterior hulls and vertical walls.][b]Repulsor Boots[/b][/abbr] - Modified Design ► [abbr=Sabata's helmet serves as the control center for most of his suit's abilities. A rangefinder is attached to the armoured helmet that allows Sabata to track up to thirty targets, while a battle computer inside the helmet allows him to control the suit's weapons, sensors, and repulsor boots through verbal commands. The dark macrobinocular viewplate offers a variety of vision modes, including infrared. A pineal eye sensor on the helmet combined with an internal overlay display provides tracking information within a 360-degree radius. Motion sensors, an encrypted internal comlink, and a broad-band antenna complete the helmet's devices, all of which are linked to the Sabata's weapons. The helmet can also act as an environmental filter system, with a two-hour reserve tank providing breathable air to the Mandalorian warrior.][b]Mandalorian Helmet[/b][/abbr] - C/W Upgrades ► [abbr=Made of Shata Leather, Sabata's cape is a durable waterproof garment. In partical use, it conceals the weapons holstered around his waist and back while also providing protection from the elements, additional warmth and camouflage. The cape itself can also be used as a distraction in combat or to mislead foes.][b]Half-Cape[/b][/abbr] - Additional Garment ► [abbr=Worn under Sabata's cape on his lower back, this small rucksack is used to carry the additional pieces necessary to reconfigure his blaster into different modes along with the tools and materials necessary for cleaning and maintaining his weapons.][b]Backpack[/b][/abbr] - Small Rucksack ► [abbr=Worn around Sabata's waist, his utility belt is strong, wide belt which carries various pouches and holsters on his person.][b]Utility Belt[/b][/abbr] - Additional Supplies ► [abbr=A small canteen capable of carry water or other liquids.][b]Canteen[/b][/abbr] - Water ► [abbr=Located on his utility belt, Sabata carries a pouch of replacement powercells for his blaster.][b]Powercell Pouch[/b][/abbr] - Munitions ► [abbr=Located on his utility belt, Sabata carries a pouch of rations capable of sustaining him comfortably for approximately two weeks.][b]Ration Pouch[/b][/abbr] - Food ► [abbr=A small belt worn alongside his Kal sheath, it holds five anti-armor grenades which can be thrown or launched using the grenade launcher attachment on his Aurek-8-CFE.][b]Grenade Belt[/b][/abbr] - Explosives ► [abbr=A traditional Mandalorian saber, Sabta's beskad is made of beskar and originally belonged to his father before the latter's death on Ord Radama. This is the same weapon that Sabata used to complete his verd'goten.][b]Beskad[/b][/abbr] - Mandalorian Saber ► [abbr=An offhand dagger of traditional Mandalorian design. However, Sabata was forced to construct it using durasteel due to the lack of available beskar iron.][b]Kal[/b][/abbr] - Mandalorian Dagger ► [abbr=The Aurek-8-CFE, 'Covert Field Edition' is a blaster made up of a core pistol that had a highly versatile design which could be easily reconfigured into a blaster rifle, or sniper rifle depending on the situation. In the default pistol configuration, the Aurek-8 had a collapsed barrel and removed shoulder stock. It could be changed into a heavy pistol configuration by attaching a long-range Macroscope and power-enhancing barrel. A rifle configuration required a noise-suppressing and range-extending barrel and an adjustable shoulder stock that held additional ammunition. It could also be configured into a sniper rifle by replacing the barrel with an air-cooling barrel shroud. Sabata also carries additional accessories for this weapon including an ascension gun module, grenade launcher and bayonet adaptor for his beskad.][b]Aurek-8-CFE[/b][/abbr] - Reconfigurable Blaster ► [abbr=The DT-9 Disruptor Pistol is a powerful and illegal disruptor weapon capable of vaporizing most targets instantly. This weapon has a limited range even for a pistol, a slow rate of fire and minimal ammunition due to the power demands of disruptor fire but still should be considered highly dangerous.][b]DT-9[/b][/abbr] - Disruptor Pistol ► [abbr=A modified ow-velocity slugthrower that fired a spray of solid pellets when fired, the Model Yirt 8 Gauge Scattergun or Y8 was based on the Mandalorian Ripper. It could often hit multiple targets or eliminate one target with a single blast. However, its damage decreased as the range to the target increased, since the pellets scattered if fired from too far away; this made the weapon more suited for close-quarters combat. The Y8 had a large-bore shell, and required inert pellets and was considered to be highly versatile and upgradeable. When properly modified and in the hands of a capable wielder such as Sabata, they proved devastating to opponents. As an energy-propelled slugthrower, they also ignored personal shielding, giving the wielder an advantage in ranged combat if both combatants were shielded.][b]Model Yirt 8-Gauge[/b][/abbr] - Scattergun ► [abbr=An easily concealable, palm-sized blaster, the E42-QD 'Quick Draw' came with a spring-loaded wrist holster allowing the wearer to rapidly draw and fire the weapon. A military design, the E42-QD only suffered from a reduced ammunition capacity due to its size. It retained all the stopping power of a standard-issue blaster. The E42-QD was capable of rapidly firing eight shots before needing a replacement powercell.][b]E42-QD[/b][/abbr] - Hold-Out Blaster ► [abbr=Sabata keeps two additional civilian outfits in his bunk. These outfits consist of more relaxed attire that is loose fitting and comfortable. One sleeveless shirt, one long-sleeved shirt, a Sullust Leather Duster, a pair of baggy pants, a pair of more fitted pants and soft boots with a hardened heel.][b]Civilian Clothes[/b][/abbr] - Various Clothing[/SUP][/color] [sub][b]▼ K N O W N I N T E R E S T S[/b][/sub] [color=silver][sup][color=DarkSlateGray]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] ► [b]Alcohol[/b] - Distilling & Partaking ► [b]Armour[/b] - Design and Forging ► [b]Food[/b] - Regional Delicacies ► [b]Hunting[/b] - For Glory and Sport ► [b]Meshgeroya[/b] - The Beautiful Game ► [b]Religion[/b] - Various Beliefs & Faiths ► [b]Weapons[/b] - Forging and Exotics ► [b]Xenobiology[/b] - Alien Fauna[/sup][/color] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider][/cell][cell][b][COLOR=DARKORANGE][sub]══════ D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E ══════[/sub][/COLOR][/b] [indent]Standing within the average height for a humanoid male, Sabata is approximately one hundred and eighty centimetres tall and weighs in at eighty-two and a half kilograms without his armour. Broad-shouldered, his body is evenly proportioned and covered in lean, compact muscle from a life of combat. Sabata's skin tone is darker than the average humanoid, having a bronzed, almost tanned complexion due to his Kiffar biology. His eyes have the appearance of two burning stars. Sabata's irises are coloured with deep shades of orange and flecked with gold which stands in strong contrast to his dark pupils. While the majority of Sabata's face and neck are kept clean-shaven, he maintains a small beard around his mouth. His dark hair is kept in dreadlocks that are swept behind his head, often bound together for ease when putting on his armour. As a male member of the Kiffar species, Sabata has little to no physical differences to the average human. The only noticeable difference between the Kiffar and humans are the presence of the [i]qukuuf[/i]; the traditional facial markings of the species. Like all Kiffar, Sabata's qukuuf are inherited from his mother in accordance with the Kiffar belief that it is through one's mother that the child is given both life and the power of the Force. In Sabata's case, his qukuuf appears on either side of his face in the form of three dots alongside a pair of parallel lines. The lines run vertically, starting on his cheekbones and ending a third of the way down his cheek. Drawn in a dark red, the rear line has a curve at the top that extends towards either ear while following the curve of the eye socket and ends curved upward towards the eyebrow. Additionally, his qukuuf also consists of a pair of parallel rings drawn either upper bicep. As with the markings on his face, these are also red and contain dots staggered on either side of the rings. In addition to his qukuuf, Sabata has two chosen tattoos. The first is of Clan Eldar's sigil is located on the inside of Sabata's left forearm. The sigil depicts the head of a Raquor'daan, a wolf-like creature in solid, black ink. The second tattoo is of the Mandalorian mythosaur against a red lightning bolt. This tattoo is inked on his right shoulder above his qukuuf. When out of his armour, Sabata prefers simple, loose-fitting garments. He tends to stick to neutral tones and avoids colours which draw unnecessary attention. His wardrobe is limited, as is the Mandalorian way, but he keeps two outfits which manage to provide adequate protection for the majority of climates. His current Mandalorian armour, however, is painted in reds, oranges and grays. Primarily red, Sabata chose the colour to honour his parents before placing grey stripes to display the mourning of his wife and child. Lastly, Sabata accented the armour with orange to show he isn't giving up and still has a lust for life. Much like Sabata himself, his armour is decorated with various markings from the Starbird of Rebirth on his left shoulder, to the emblem of Clan Eldar over his heart plate and lastly, the pair of Jaig Eyes adorning his helm. The armour is often accompanied by a heavy brown half-cape draped from Sabata's right shoulder. The garment is sealed and water-resistant, having an almost leather-like texture. While it does little in terms of protection in a fight, it does allow Sabata an element of surprise due to concealing weapons while additionally providing some camouflage in applicable settings.[/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][/color][/color]