[right][sub][color=dimgray]Present day, The Morning Show Collab with [@Kitty][@Melissa] Starring Emmy-Lou Waters and Savannah Matthews Featuring Jax Dalton, Riley Wells, and Jasmine Fulton[/color][/sub][/right] [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/d34047551bf22558e6289d308708a326/tumblr_inline_p7luooBQpW1ts1o6i_250.gif[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190908/3e57c55bae6b6a09ea12ac83f21e84cc.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xuSHd4m.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/8QoNGFF.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190908/76b89cf19d5a32ec5f85dba864d5d975.png[/img][/center] [indent]This was it, the big moment. They were going live. Unlike Becca, they had people from the school helping them voluntarily for their campaign video. Emmy-Lou and Savannah had been preparing for this moment, Mina helping with a lot of it. The video would start with Savannah before Emmy-Lou took over and then the two of them together as they arrived to their final destination in the school. Filming them they had Jax, he was well known and quite talented with the camera. Looking around the hallway they stood in, the one that had the perfect look and lighting, Emmy-Lou fixed her hair and adjusted her dress. She looked to Savannah who looked perfect as always and then to Jax who was preparing the camera. Everything was ready and she knew they could do this. She made her way to Savannah and smiled warmly, [color=D95060][b]”How are you feeling darlin’? You ready to show them what we southern girls are made of?”[/b][/color] Savvy stood pressed up against the row of lockers in the hallway, checking her reflection in a compact mirror. Although she may have looked cool, calm, and collected on the outside, doubt and worry flew through the redhead’s mind. Savannah’s cheeks were rosy and naturally flushed due to her anxiousness surrounding the campaign video, and she wondered if this was the right decision and plan for her. Was it a bad idea to run for VP? Was this a bad call? But, as Emmy-Lou approached her, she remembered exactly why she volunteered for this role. [color=DC143C][b]“I’m feeling alright, definitely a little bit nervous, but otherwise, I’m ready.”[/b][/color] Gently, Emmy-Lou took Savannah’s hands in hers and gave them a reassuring squeeze. [color=D95060][b]”You are gonna do amazing sweetheart! You are perfect for this and I’m so glad I chose you as my VP. There is no other person I’d want by my side. One southern belle would have been all good and swell but two, I think us southern girls can really help make a difference in this school.”[/b][/color] Not to mention, Savannah really helped sell the campaign look making the chances of Mina’s plan succeedingly higher. [color=426f6f][b]“Are you guys almost ready?”[/b][/color] Riley’s voice seeped into Jax’s left ear through his earpiece. [color=03c03c][b]“Yeah, dude. Just about.”[/b][/color] The devilish and handsome camera guy licked his bottom lip, gliding over his lip ring as he watched the production assistant place an X mark with electrical tape on the ground where Savannah would start. The girls had lavalier mics situated and attached to their tops, hidden from sight. He had an audio girl make sure the ‘tea party’ candidates wore appropriate blouses that wouldn’t give any unnecessary noise. Placement was key. Sound was crucial during any recording, and now that the Morning Show spent most, if not all, of their budget, the people behind the scenes were living their best lives. Granted, lavs were tricky, especially for live shows, so if they didn’t have a good audio person on set this could fail horribly. Thankfully, this school had a lot of talent and Brian, who was the producer of Riley’s show now (by choice?), was no fool. It was just a matter of looking in the right places. [color=426f6f][b]“Brynn and Gwen will be cueing them in ten, nine—”[/b][/color] [color=03c03c][b]“Hey, you two. Get to your spot! Eight seconds left.”[/b][/color] While Savannah would start in this hall, they were in the middle of it, which was nice and symmetrical in terms of lockers and doors (they were in the art hall, so there were kids’ works put out on display throughout the hall), Emmy-Lou would be waiting in the hall to the left, which led to the cafeteria. That hall had a huge wall [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ef/37/33/ef3733112fbee3c2f733fcedc36f4a80.jpg]mural[/url] that Rose and a couple of other students painted, which over all would provide a nice backdrop for the girls. Home ec club’s bake sale was also set up there and of course, having sweet delights would only add to the southern charm. [color=03c03c][b]“Okay, I’m rolling.”[/b][/color] [color=426f6f][b]“—Three, two, one.”[/b][/color] As soon as Riley counted down, Savannah tried her best to relax and loosen up, letting her shoulders roll back and her arms fall naturally at her sides. The redhead pretended that the camera was an old friend- after all, that’s what she was trying to make the students at BHHS view her as: a friend. [color=DC143C][b]“Growing up in a small town, Hico, Texas, southern hospitality was thriving all around me. It was my mom giving a neighbor a cup of sugar after they realized they didn’t have enough. It was my childhood friends helping me pack up all of my belongings to move without me even asking for assistance. It was our mayor inviting those who had fallen on hard times for Thanksgiving Dinner when they had no where else to go. Southern hospitality is a mindset that made our town a community, and [i]that’s[/i] the kind of environment that the team of Waters and Matthews wants to create at BHHS.”[/b][/color] [color=DC143C][b]“Even though we’re not in the south, it doesn’t mean we can’t bring a little bit of southern charm to these halls. If elected, we will strive to make this school a more warm and welcoming place that fosters community, inclusivity, and respect.”[/b][/color] Emmy-Lou went to her place when it was time, once again fixing herself up and taking a deep breath and releasing it. She could faintly hear Savannah speaking as she made her approach. When the redhead finished, it was finally the blondes turn. Putting on her award winning smile, Emmy-Lou began to speak. [color=D95060][b]”For so long we’ve watched as fellow students fight amongst each other. As people have torn one another apart instead of building one another up. The school has been split apart into separate groups instead of a community. We wish to tear down the walls built and bring together all as one. We don’t plan on running the school as if we are high and mighty but as fellow students. We will be one with all y’all, listening fully to all y’all to make this school the best it can be.”[/b][/color] The blonde began to move while continuing to speak, making her way towards the bake sale while maintaining full eye contact with the camera. She had practiced walking backwards to make sure she didn’t stray from her path or embarrass herself. [color=D95060][b]”We may just be two southern belles, two outsiders who aren’t from the area but we have made this school our home and only want what is best for it. We embrace the fact we are unique, that we are different and want all y’all to embrace your differences and let them bring y’all together. Without differences we couldn’t have done this today, nor shown off the beauty that the unique and talented people of our school have created on our walls. We especially couldn’t be at this charming little bake sale with delicious foods by our school’s one and only Home Ec club with amazing bakers like Jasmine Fulton. Y’all can stop by this shindig and ask us any questions y’all may have while getting yourself a little treat.”[/b][/color] Emmy-Lou now went over and stood by Savannah. [color=D95060][b]”The two of us only want to bring the southern charm to BHHS. If you allow us to by voting for us and making our dream a reality, we can make the school a better, warmer place for all.”[/b][/color] Savannah smiled her signature grin at the camera once more before closing out the video. [color=DC143C][b]“Vote Waters and Matthews on January 27th- BHHS’s [i]sweetest[/i] option for student government.”[/b][/color] When Brynn and Ace’s voice came out of Jax’s earpiece, he knew they were in the clear and cut the camera. [color=03c03c][b]“You two were cute.”[/b][/color] The punk flirtatiously complimented the two belles, before checking the time, [color=03c03c][b]“I’d love to stay and chat, but I gotta’ bounce.”[/b][/color] He paused to look at the girl with the leather jacket on, who was giving the long table a once over to make sure it was completely ready for the hungry teens, and gave a charming grin, [color=03c03c][b]“Before I leave… Jaz, can I get a cookie?”[/b][/color] Pause. [color=03c03c][b]“On the house?”[/b][/color] Rolling her eyes, Jasmine grabbed the plate of chocolate chip and lifted it to the DJ and part time videographer, [color=a62241][b]“Just one or others will expect the same treatment.”[/b][/color] Word! Leaning in, he grabbed one and placed it in his mouth. Not saying another word, simply giving her a wink, Jax walked off with the small film crew of the Morning Show, leaving the girls to do whatever girls do this early in the morning. [/indent]