[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=pink]Cuyler Eysteinsson[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/81cfed06b2b69570b64a582c703c51ec/tumblr_n9arqln4yD1qj06c7o2_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=pink]Location:[/color] The Wizard Tower -- The Castle [color=pink]Skills:[/color] [/center][hr] Cuyler glared at Rowland a bit. Arnora was a woman yes but if he knew half the things she could do, he would hardly call Cuyler’s shoulder shove past disrespectful. The things Arnora could do to all of them made a mere shoulder shove hardly dangerous but Cuyler didn’t have time to dispute that. He was trying to wrap his head around the fact that Rowland was wearing [b]ExtraOrdinary[/b] wizard robes and everything that his cousins had been telling him was in fact, very possibly, true. He couldn’t believe it. He [i]refused[/i] to believe it. Cuyler’s hands started to shake as he grew more and more angry, more and more volatile. Halley’s words of Rowland hating Cuyler didn’t help matters much. Rowland had been a father figure to Cuyler after his own had passed. He had a wonderful life with his father but in some degree, felt the man had been taken too soon from him and Rowland had always shown compassion to Cuyler. Rowland hating Cuyler, disrespecting him and who he was, was as if his very own father was doing the same. Like he was speaking down from Vahalla and expressing disappointment in his only son. Rowland had completely ignored Halley and unleashed on Cuyler again. At first his words didn’t register. Cuyler’s hands stopped shaking but the words weren’t making any sense. That was until Rowland slapped Cuyler hard across the face. The stinging from the rings and cuts seemed to cause those words to sink into place; although, the pain on his face was nothing compared to what was happening within. Cuyler stumbled back, shaking his head over and over again in denial. The [b]Magyk[/b] that had been zapped didn't do so much to him either. [color=pink]”No no no, no she can’t be. I felt her…. I felt her power, in the Port today. She’s not, she can’t be….”[/color] He continued to shake his head, not even able to utter the four letter word. Words slammed back into his head from Halley and Arnora. They had said she died, disappeared when Chthon was here. That was the day of the failed wedding. When Cuyler destroyed the Palace Library after him and Arya broke up. Klara had continued to push him, saying Arya was fine and that they needed to leave. Did she know? Had his mother kept this from him? Arya said she was afraid of her, of their relationship. It was the main reason they broke up. Such a petty little thing now but Cuyler had just been a child then, craving a mothers love that he didn’t get enough of due to tragedy and now he was learning he was wrong to look for it in Klara. Everything he knew was wrong. Everything he had learned and become was based on a lie. Deep down Cuyler had wanted to come back here to see Arya, to apologize and show her how strong he had become. How, alike they now were. They weren't so different anymore with [b]Magyk[/b] being their biggest barrier. He had also felt Arya was just that bit unattainable to him because of her incredible power but now Cuyler had that and strength. He could protect her now, love her proper now. His hands tensed up again and he shook all over, feeling as if he was about to boil over. There was an intense roaring in his ears as he tried not to unleash everything he was feeling in the form of his power. His idea, his deep buried thoughts and hope of second chances had been completely wiped away. Dead. Arya was dead. If Loki were to appear now, Cuyler was sure he would empty the entire sea onto his smug smiling face in an effort to drown the god. [hider=Roll Request] Simple check on Cuyler's ability to hold onto his power.[/hider] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=#006400]Amarantha[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/32c2a67edf8b7fb738f958646b77aedf/tumblr_nbd094QLTJ1rj0j5eo1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=#006400]Location:[/color] The Crypts / [color=#006400] Front of the Palace, Outside -- The Palace[/color] [color=#006400]Skills:[/color] Resistance; Stamina; [/center][hr] “Shut it!” Titan roared at the tiny head that moaned. He glared, staring around the room for some use of fire. There were sconces around the room that had been sitting dormant for many years. The resin on them had surely dried by now but perhaps Valda’s [b]Magyk[/b] could be used here since it would be simply the act of providing light in complete darkness. “Here, could you light this?” Titan grabbed one of the torches from the sconce and held it in front of her. Gleaming no more information about the Eastern SnowPlains or Mona being present, Amarantha turned back around and rejoined Apollo. [color=#006400]”Mona is not here so she cannot do a tracking spell for us. But, if there is anything I have learned in commanding this hell hole it is that all ancient and special things tend to be kept down in the family crypt. Shall we venture below ground and see what other things lurk in the dark?”[/color] Amarantha was also eager to learn how advanced her senses truly had become. Sure she could smell and hear better and visually things looked clearer but she wanted to test her vision more. It seemed Amarantha would have to grow used to being a Vampire because even with Apollodora being from the future, there was still no cure for what she had been turned into. Amarantha would just have to make it work. It could come in handy with besting Fleur and whatever she was up to in hiding, as well as the Eastern SnowPlains. There of course was the issue with any kind of fire being able to burn her and kill her, much like any other human but it seemed to be worse for Amarantha now. She wasn’t afraid of many things but now fire seemed to have made that list. She would have to speak to a tailor and perhaps Mona about enchanting a suit of armor to repel fire. There had to be such a thing. After all the battle armor Amarantha was so fond of was dragon hide and that had fire resistance along with a minor [b]Magykal[/b] resistance. [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=#1E90FF]Ahote Proudstar[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/8766e57297d1267e520620279b2db197/tumblr_pn9zcg7JPv1unq7k1o1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=#1E90FF]Location:[/color] The Future Palace [color=#1E90FF]Skills:[/color] [/center][hr] Ahote covered Mryus, stepping back a few paces with the Prince in order to keep him from harm and the spew of food stuffs coming from Mona. Ahote looked away a moment so he wouldn't feel the need to become sick himself. Bruce's words still weren't settling well with Ahote. He couldn't accept that there was nothing that could be done to stop this destruction. How he could feel nothing for the body of his son a few feet away was even more astonishing. His wife on the other hand, the mother of his child had a fierce passion within her. Myth jumped forward, casting an impressive enough illusion that when accompanied by Bruce’s power caused the Frost Giant to release Mona. Ahote relaxed a fraction, watching the Frost Giant for any changes in target but it seemed the creature was afraid of them now. [color=#1E90FF]”Perhaps we should leave now,”[/color] Ahote said. He sounded a bit defeated, having wanted to stay and discover more of what transpired here. They perhaps were best suited into leaving though, especially with Myrus being with them. If it wasn't for him, Ahote would protest into staying and figure out a way home himself. Ahote believed he could do a lot of good in this place. He had been helping Myrus with his ability and his confidence but the True North native wanted to do more with his ability. He had it in him, he knew he could help prevent this destruction.