[color=silver]What awaited them beyond the door was... [i]darkness[/i], pretty much. Duncan could make out walls of solid cement and the beginnings of a table, but that was pretty much the extent of it. There was no exit in sight, but also no axe murderer waiting to strike them down, so he figured he shouldn't complain [i]too [/i]much. 'Sides, for all he knew, the exit could be waiting right at the other end of the hallway. All they needed now was-- [i]Light[/i], he heard Pebs say. This time, Duncan came prepared. When he heard the magic word, he raised an arm to shield his eyes from the incoming brightness. A few flickers later, he blinked his eyes back open to take in the now-illuminated hallway. The table was whole now, with an old boom box atop it. A speaker was missing. Wait... didn't they...? [color=0099aa]"Yo, Pebs, mind digging out the speaker? Think we found it a home."[/color] Duncan called behind him as she walked up to the table. There was indeed a door at the other end - but for some reason, he didn't trust it to be open. Call it a hunch - or past trauma. [i]Man[/i], he sure hoped he didn't have to bust his way through this one too. As he waited for Pebs to bring the speaker over, he checked the drawer. They did have a key without a lock, after all.[/color] [right][sup=1][@Typical], [@Alamantus][/sup][/right]