Edit: And done! [hider=The Golden Demise][center] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LmY0Y2QxMC5SMmhwWkc5eVlXZywuMAAA/blackhole-bb.regular.png[/img] [h3][color=fff200]"Long live the King."[/color][/h3] [hr][hr] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/019/468/489/large/nekkyo-usagi-ghidorah4-5.jpg?1563632141[/img] [hider=Backside] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/019/468/479/large/nekkyo-usagi-ghidorah-back-done.jpg?1563631917[/img] [/hider] [hider=Beast Form] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EBNxUnHXUAIrJ-p.jpg[/img] [hider=Close-Up] [img]https://scontent-mia3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/8070b3d4dac16622fd1b19198e9f495b/5E134317/t51.2885-15/e35/s1080x1080/66766616_674517503011722_6015177741348172046_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-1.cdninstagram.com[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hr][hr] [b][color=fff200]• Name:[/color][/b] Metphies Astrallius | King Ghidorah | Titanus Ghidorah | Ghidrah | "Monster Zero" | "Golden Demise" [b][color=fff200]• Appearance:[/color][/b] Pladded in gold armor and standing at a height of 6'8" in human form, Ghidorah is a unique specimen, especially amongst the cast of primarily female monsters. He has naturally dark-tan skin, with long luscious blonde hair, red eyes, and sports both a strong and fairly-feminine physique. His armor is made primarily out of the golden scales that makes up his terrifying beast form, as well as a crimson undergarment, and a long cape with two long strands down the middle that represent his two tails. His cape can alsp turn into wings on the spot, allowing Ghidorah to fly in his human form. Two of his dragon heads act as shoulder pads while the third sits upon his head like a crown. [b][color=fff200]• Age:[/color][/b] Unknown; Thousands of Years Old [b][color=fff200]• Monster Type:[/color][/b] Hydra | Three-Headed Space Dragon [b][color=fff200]• Special Abilities:[/color][/b] [list] [*][color=fff200][b]Bio-Electric Capabilities:[/b][/color] Ghidorah's iconic ability is his manipulation of electricity. Both his armor and morphology had evolved to fluently conduct all manners of electricity and is able to both power him up and unleash devastating electrical attacks. He can fire them from his fingers in his human form, or from his three mouths in his beast form. If he absorbs a significantly powerful surge, he can even launch electricity from his wing tips. [*][color=fff200][b]Storm Manipulation:[/b][/color] Also due to his bio-electrical capabilities, Ghidorah is able to control localized weather patterns to create artificial storms on command. [*][color=fff200][b]Flight:[/b][/color] Ghidorah's wings - both in human and beast forms - allow him to fly for extremely long distances. His wings in his beast form are also strong enough to issue powerful hurricane-force winds. [/list] [b][color=fff200]• Background:[/color][/b] From the moment that Metphies Astrallius existed into the world, the Universe seemed to strive against him. Born on Planet X - the second planet of three in the Galgarious System - was a highly advanced monarchial society known as the Ghidorians. They were a long-standing race, having existed for several thousand years and was almost entirely made up of female members. However, every one hundred years, a male Ghidoraian would be randomly birthed into existence for reasons no one quite understood. However, what everyone seemed to understand was that male specimens were a sign of ill-fortune. This belief steamed from one male individual - who became king 2000 years ago - and issued a tyrannical rule over the entire race for a hundred years. His so-called "Reign of Terror" was only finally brought down after being assassinated by his own advisors who loathed him, only for another male (separate to the tyrant) to be born and swiftly killed shortly after due to the overwhelming fear of another tyrant king. This, along with how different male Ghidoraians looked and behaved in general, was enough for society to deem them as inferior beasts at best, or cursed prophecies at worst. This lead to their queen, Xythania Ghidorah*, ordering all officials to confiscate and kill any newborn male specimens found or reported, regardless of their parents' lineage, heritage or otherwise. Metphies was supposed to be killed when word broke out of his existence and indeed did his family* encounter the royal guard break into the very hospital they resided in mere minutes after he was born. They took the male Ghidorian to Queen Xythania, where it was decided that he would be burned alive. Yet just before they could commence the deed, the mother appeared alongside the guard to testify against their action and to save their newborn son. After several long, grueling minutes of having to hear their desperate pleading, begging and promise swearing, the Queen made the cautionary decision to - for the first time in Ghidorian history - let Metphies live. However, she would only allow it under the condition that he must not commit a single major crime or disturbance against the general public, or he will be executed without parole. The parents begrudgingly agreed and were able to keep their son under the watchful eye of the monarch. For most of his youthful years, Metphies was able to stay out of causing trouble, partially due to his strict upbringing with his parents and how they masked the truth from him so he could potentially live the most normal life possible. However, this didn't prevent trouble from finding him. Being the only male within a sea of female citizens, he was constantly bullied and harassed by his peers. At first it would start off rather tame, but the older Metphies became the more brutal and harmful they became. He would find himself mentally humiliated, brutally beaten, and even sexually assaulted, and yet he couldn't do anything to them or else suffer the consequences. Yet whenever he would address this to other adults, they would only turn a blind eye and not address it fully. As a result, Metphies would always find himself alone, swimming in a pool of abuse and vengeful rage. With no one to turn to - not even his own parents - it would only be a matter of time before something sets him off. And indeed, something does. When Metphies was 19, he was assaulted by a gang of older woman on school grounds, who began mocking him. When he wouldn't react to them, the girls would then surround him and began trying to intimate him, as well as shove him around. This eventually would lead them to start undressing him right in public and proceeded to beat him, believing that nothing would come of them. Normally, Metphies would have to let them finish and hope that they would be done soon, for it wasn't the first time he had been under this situation. But this time, it was different. It was as if all that pent up rage that he held for all of his life was finally beginning to break free. He tried to suppress it as best as he could, but it was futile. So for the first time in his life, he fought back by breaking free and swiped his clawed hand at the leader's neck and slicing it open... Killing her in a slow agonizing manner, as she laid in a pool of her own blood. As the blood ran down the golden, pristine, stairs, Metphies could feel his world slow down as he took a good look at the mortified people around him followed by his blood-soaked hands. His dead-eyed glare was filled with utter rage for several brief seconds before he realized what he had done. Despite him trying to apologize, it would be too late. Terrified screams and vengeful curses were thrown at him as he would shortly find himself escorted to the Royal Palace and condemned for death the next morning. It would seem as if his fate had been sealed... But little did he know, his life was about change forever. [hider=To Briefly Sum the Following Events Up.] Metphies would be approached by a member of a splinter group known as the Exifs*, who had been observing the male ghidorian for some time. The Exifs were made up of various different alien species, mostly being comprised of lesser sub-species of Ghidorians*, They believed that he was prophesied to take over the current Ghidorian regime and lead to a better, more equal society for all, and invited Metphies to come. Thus he does and after five years of being hidden, Metphies developed an army and stormed the Ghidorian palace, killing Queen Xythania Ghidorah, and taking the crown as King Metphies Ghidorah (simply renaming himself as Ghidorah). Initially, Metphies was a fair king, however his vengeance and mental instability would quickly lead him to brutally subjugate his own subjects. He executed all whom he believed who conspired against him and attempted to produce more male Ghidorians by impregnating/raping random subjects every single day, which failed. Soon enough, he even caught wind that the Exifs who helped him achieve power weren't on his side either, as they wanted to use them so that they could get themselves into power and kill him once the time was right. In short, had Ghidorah not caught wind of this treachery, it would've most likely went the way like the last tyrant king in power - being killed by his own "trusted" advisors. This is when Ghidorah finally snapped. Realizing how he'd be unwilling to change the political atmosphere, being unable to produce any sons, and believing that he would be murdered as soon as he stepped down, he came to the conclusion that in order to preserve his own body, he'd have to blow up his entire planet - meaning that he would be killing ten billion citizens in a planetary genocide/exterminatus. He had no more faith in his species and believed that they would be better off extinct than alive. To do that, Ghidorah would have to overload the main power core within the city that was directly linked the the planet's core, which would cause the planet to destabilize and basically blow up. However, his plan did not go unheard/believed, and eventually a massive battle between the King and the elite royal guard took place in the Core Room. The King, now having access to his monster form, was able to make short work of the resistance and proceeded to overload the core, dooming the unaware public on the surface. There, Ghidorah made a hasty retreat and floated in deep space as Planet X blew up. Fast forward several thousand years, the hibernating Ghidorah found himself floating aimlessly in space before eventually finding himself on Earth. Now making it his new home, he now declared that he would conquer this new world for himself and destroy all who opposed him. [/hider] [b][color=fff200]• Other:[/color][/b] - *In Ghidorian society, the rank of Ghidorah is essentially a title used adjacent to a king/queen. This also allows the user to tap into the traditional three-headed dragon form, at least based on their race. - *Ghidorian parenting is often described as either managed by a single mother or two "mothers", with one acting more alpha-centric then the other. - *"Exifs" in Ghidorian mean "Exiled". -* (Ex: Desghidoraians (Death Ghidorians), Kaizadonians (Kaizer Ghidorians), Sokoghidonians (SokogekiGhidos), etc) [hider=Theme Ver. 1] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPoccBg0dB8[/youtube] [/hider] [hider=Theme Ver. 2] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEfICMalrlc&t[/youtube] [/hider] [hider=Alt Theme] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stQ8VNN_j7A&t[/youtube] [/hider] [/center][/hider]