[hider=Hans Hommenmann] Name and Art/Anime Picture. Customize to how you wish Hans Hommenmann ⋆ 19 ⋆ Male ⋆ Human [img]https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b10dfc43570ee114978ab73c9fdea666[/img] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Appearance Height: 5’8 Weight: 100sihlbs Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue Skin Tone: Pale Brief Clothes Description: Panzer SS tank commander uniform German SS flat top cap German SS Commander field cap Radio Headgear Stahlhelm - Black W/ SS Insignia SS Dagger Hopeful ⋆ Cunning ⋆ Compassionate ⋆ Strong-Willed ________________________________________ Psychology Likes: ⋆Mein Kampf ⋆Germany ⋆His tank crew Dislikes: ⋆Russians ⋆Cities that are compact ⋆Winter Fears: ⋆Russians ⋆Snow ⋆Urban areas Sexuality: Straight Personality: It was dawn and he was ordered to move, he did not say anything back as he feared reparation from his commander. He hadn’t eaten, his crew, the five other boys that were maybe fifteen or sixteen sat below them with what was left of their ration. The small stove they had in the large tank was going with what was left of the wood stockpile. “The Grumman will bring some more food once we get there… he knows you are Germany's future and is prioritizing us with what’s left of the ratons until we get close to Berlin, it should be a quick drive through the forest, and we shouldn’t encounter anything.” he said smiling a false smile. He had lied to them, hopefully to keep spirits up, there was a possibility of being bombed or going through a soviet ambush. The tank lurched forward. Several hours later, they were near, and the only thing he could hear is the engine and churning of the tracks as the heavy Tiger II pushed through the muddy road on it’s way to Berlin he must reinforce the outer defenses. He was thankful that his family lived on the Rhine, hopefully the British and Americans would take favor on his family. The soviets were like barbarians with what they could do. He looked around outside the tank and smiled as his crew was enjoying not getting shot at when he heard a loud crack and his body shook as metal hit metal. The tank lurched, “To the right!” he yelled out as he ducked into the turret some, “IS to the right, turn the tank to the right thirty five degrees, quickly!” he yelled as the turret had already started to turn as quick as it could and the tank turned as well to face its opponent. “Aim below the turret, go go, Loss loss!” he yelled as his tank thundered as the 8’8 cm gun fired. “Load High Explosive Anti Tank, quickly, get another shell off.” he yelled out as bullets began to ping off the tanks side. “Otto, call in Russian formation moving upon us… We are five miles from the outpost, we need reinforcements.” he said as he closed his eyes and listened to the shouting. He took the MP40 and he peeked his head out for a second before he sprayed the field to the right of his tank. The tank shuttered as it was hit once again, “Start getting out of the tank, scuttle her and leave out the bottom… hopefully they won’t look under if they are dumb enough.” he said as he looked up, and he kept shooting as another shell hit the side of the turret and bounced off. It shook the tank. “We are surrounded!” he yelled out as he looked all around him. “Go go… get under!” he yelled out as he kept shooting out the hatch towards where the infantry was coming from. The gunner and loader were still shooting. He looked at the two and bonked on one the head, “Go now!” he yelled as the two went through the hatch before he went down and he pulled it back up and he locked it. He went back up to the hatch reloading and finishing that clip as he felt the shaking, and there was a crack. There was an explosion a second later and he felt like he was getting lifted into the air, he felt the turret as well. ‘Well I am frozen in time flying through the sky.’ Heroic ⋆ Too Young ⋆ Hard ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Background Occupation Sturmführer of the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte Sturmmann of the 14th Panzer Division Living Immediate Family Members: NA Dead Immediate Family Members: NA Current Companions: NA Current and Past Lover(s): Brunhilda Y’grinhammel Are you a loner or with a group? Have you always been in this place?: Loner - New History :Mainly Find Out IC Stalingrad Eastern front Special Ability (NA may find later) ⋆ Ranged attack/ballistics ⋆ Urban fighting ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Combat and Magic: Physical Strengths: ⋆Young ⋆Thin ⋆Strong bones Physical Weaknesses: ⋆Frostbitten ⋆Starved ⋆Extreme lack of sleep Ability on Avalia: Pyromancy [/hider]