Name: Ezra Hill Home: Pikeville, Kentucky Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Ezra is an energetic young pup who's eager to prove himself and determined to make it happen. Still, he's brash and undisciplined which leads to him letting emotions overcome logic at times. He's loyal and always willing to help, even when it's hard. Biography: Living out in the woods gave Ezra an early look into the life of pokemon. Like most other kids in Pikeville, he started to wander in the hills and hiking trails or swim in the rivers when, and this way he was the pokemon in their natural habitat. when he was 7, Ezra saw two teens battle with their pokemon in the while one of his hikes. The experience lit a fire in him, and with nothing but a net and a few pokeballs, he managed to catch a big type on his own. He took it on hikes and it protected him from any wild pokemon that would attack. As he grew older and others gained pokemon, Ezra enjoyed frequent battles after class. By the time he was nearing the age where his pokemon adventure would start, he was already considered one of the best in his school. At sixteen, his parents saw no reason to keep him waiting and got him a trainer's permit. Now, packed with pokeballs and food for the road, he's set off hoping to see the world and gather a whole team of powerful friends. Team: Beedrill, Female, Level 17 Patrat, Male, Level 12 Gastly, Female, Level 22