[color=a36209][h3][center]Daisuke Nakahara[/center][/h3][/color] The man was definitely one of the tallest people that Daisuke had ever seen, standing at least 15 cm taller than him. Even more intimidating was the man's girth - not fat, but a heavy frame that suggested muscle, and thick armor that made him look even wider than he otherwise would. This was his servant, and without a doubt, Daisuke was pleased. This man was by far his strongest familiar yet, both in intellect and raw power, and Daisuke was proud to be one of only 7 mages in the modern day to have such a creature. “A king should control his subjects. Servant Berserker, Edward the first, of England. If you’d summoned me faster, I might have been placed in a Knight class…" Damn - was Daisuke too late, and made his Servant upset due to his tardiness in the war? Daisuke did his best to perform the ritual as quickly as possible, but cleaning and buying new clothes took up a week or two of time, and drawing the circle was another days worth of work. Daisuke chose to dismiss this - he had to have been among the first masters to summon their servant, since the other masters had to have taken similar steps of preparation, right? [color=a36209]"Apologies, Sir Edward - this was the earliest opportunity I could perform the ritual."[/color] The servant looked around the room and observed Daisuke, before cracking a small smile. Daisuke was worried since he didn't know if this was a good thing or not at the moment. “This land, Japan? You are some lord here, it appears. I will require your guidance, but not your direction.” Daisuke paused at this. His Servant... WAS GENIUS!!! Somehow, unlike everyone else Daisuke had ever met before, knew that he was a man of extreme importance and should be treated as such. Man, he was really starting to make Survivor look bad in comparison. [color=a36209]"I appreciate the acknowledgment, and you are correct in your observation - I am a lord of great importance. I am Daisuke Nakahara."[/color] The mention of not taking directions was another thing entirely - after all, wasn't that what familiars, and by extension Servants, were meant to do? Obey their master? Still, Daisuke was too pleased having finally accomplished his greatest wish to care much at the moment. His Servant extended one of his massive arms for a handshake, and Daisuke took it with his own (much smaller and feminine looking by comparison) hand, shaking vigorously. "Consider this an alliance of kings, then." [color=a36209]"Of course - it truly is a pleasure to begin working with you, Sir Edward! Please, have a seat in the living room."[/color] Daisuke pulled the Servant towards the living room and gestured towards the immaculately cleaned sofa, before making his way back into the kitchen. He had been heating up a meal for the arrival of his Servant, wanting to celebrate the occasion as elegantly as he could - and a meal fit for kings, it was! Daisuke picked up the hot pot with neon pink oven mitts and made his way back to the living room, setting the device down on the table. [color=a36209]"The first thing a king should know is the culture of any land he visits - this here is Sukiyaki, a Japanese dish that is typically served on special occasions in the winter, such as the end of the year. This is a grave warning, so heed it well - It is fairly hot since I just cooked it, so be very cautious to avoid burning your mouth."[/color] Daisuke nearly slapped himself in his idiocy after standing there for another 5 seconds of silence - he had forgotten to bring in the bowls and silverware! He rushed into the kitchen and grabbed both the dishes as well as two sets of utensils - Sukiyaki was normally eaten with Chopsticks, and any other way was impudent to the highest order, but for his mighty servant, Daisuke was willing to sacrifice tradition. He grabbed a fork and spoon for Edward, and then made his way back to the living room, setting everything down on the table. [color=a36209]"I feel like you will enjoy this dish greatly - my Divine Advisor, Dracomar, consumed an entire pot full last Christmas, and ruined the event!"[/color] Survivor hissed in Daisuke's ear, annoyed at the pleasantries and gifts that he was bestowing on a newcomer. The young master took it the wrong way and nearly cursed himself for his rudeness. [color=a36209]"Oh my word, I have been uncouth - I apologize, Sir Edward, you should be the one talking. Do you have any questions for me? After we get you comfortable, we can start work on the war. Personally, I think the highest priority is your code name."[/color] [@SSW]