[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/call-of-duty-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181029/f7033e591832d757742ed180674ebc52.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][i]September 27, 1914[/i][/center] [hr] [hider=Distant Memories] There was a time that Reyna was not at war. A time where life was so much simpler for her and she did not have to worry about dying from anything aside from an accident. A time where she was back in Vinland. Yet it was also a time Reyna told her parents about the decision to join the military to fight the Imperials despite their knowledge of the propaganda. The reason she made the decision was clear: not only did she want to fight the Imperials but she wanted to make a difference as well. She wanted to explore and find out just how bad this war was to those on the ground. However, now was not the time to think about it. In fact, she didn't want to think about it as she just got finished with a condition her father was making her go through: private training. Her father hired a veteran drill instructor after offering him sufficient money to give Reyna training before she went into Edinborough military after riding a ship over from Vinland with other volunteers. However, the toll it was taking on the young woman was high. She was going through a month's worth of discipline and tactical exercise. Granted, it was a lot more gentle than the discipline she'd have to go through in the Edinborough military later, but this training was training none-the-less. The biggest difference, however, was that McGriffin was teaching her to be more aggressive than her fellows, and attack if she didn't know what else to do. This lead her to winning a few competitive events that McGriffin made her sign up for and hosted. Reyna collapsed on the bed in her room, which was apparently being tended to by her personal maid. Erica Wright was a 26 year old woman, eight years older than Reyna herself. She served as Reyna's personal maid ever since six years ago, when Reyna was twelve. Reyna was back then, to say the least, a spoiled child. Despite the discipline she had to receive and the lessons she had to learn, sometimes by Erica's own hand, Reyna grew up throughout her teen years liking her and still does. [color=92278f]"Are you ok, Reyna?"[/color] A gentle voice reached Reyna's ears as she turned her head toward the sound. Erica's soft features with brown hair and eyes stared at Reyna with concern as Reyna groaned out a response. Erica herself might look skinny and soft, but in reality she was well-trained in martial arts and used to dealing with younger girls thanks to being an older sister of her own family. That martial art training was put to use more times than Reyna could count. [color=FFFF00]"I'm so tiiiired. McGriffin is making me do so many pushups and then I have to go out into these competitions and get shot by blunted bolts!"[/color] Reyna whined a little as she rubbed a bruise on her side from being shot in the competition that day. A smile creeped up on Erica's face as Reyna looked at her, Reyna's own turning into a frown. [color=FFFF00]"This is funny to you, isn't it?"[/color] Erica couldn't help but giggle from the sudden question as she put down her cleaning supplies and approached Reyna. [color=92278f]"I admit it is a little amusing. Don't worry, Reyna, you will live."[/color] It sure didn't seem like she would to Reyna, but she would have to take Erica's word for it. After all, this sounded like the start of another lecture or lesson by her. A lesson Reyna was going to groan about. [color=92278f]"Your father wouldn't do this if he didn't love you."[/color] Erica reassured the groaning woman as she sat down gently on Reyna's bed. [color=92278f]"He wants you to be able to thrive even under the worst circumstances."[/color] Reyna watched the woman sit down before mustering the strength to sit up herself. [color=FFFF00]"How bad can it really be?"[/color] came the question from Reyna, but one look into Reyna's eyes told Erica everything she needed to know. Beyond that stubbornness and bravado Reyna was giving to her right now, there was a scared little girl. A girl that didn't want to die, to call everything off. However that same stubbornness, Erica knew, would not allow her to back out of anything, just like Erica herself. They were both fighters in life, just going on different paths. [color=92278f]"I know you're afraid. You know better than to hide it from me."[/color] A smile came from Erica as a surprised Reyna looked at her in the eyes. Really, she shouldn't be surprised at all considering how often she tried only to fail every time. This was not any different. Finally, Reyna slowly nodded to confirm what Erica was saying. [color=FFFF00]"I am...a little. I'm a little anxious with what I am doing. McGriffin isn't sugarcoating anything. He's telling me that unlike what the propaganda is saying it will be a place that no one will ever wish to go to. That it will be difficult, but he is training me to survive and even with all of that training I....."[/color] Reyna stopped. It was no secret the propaganda was just that to the Halls: propaganda. There'd be glory, sure, but not everyone will receive it. Still, there was merit in participating in the war. [color=92278f]"I know."[/color] Erica gently put an arm on Reyna's back to soothe her. [color=92278f]"It will take strength to go through it, but I know you can do it, Reyna. That is why you are strong, Reyna. You never know what will happen until you do it. Listen to McGriffin and take his lessons to heart. A veteran like him knows how to teach someone to have the determination and drive to push through."[/color] The back rub was working, as Reyna's muscles relaxed, the girl now starting to lean onto Erica due to the comfort she was experiencing. They both sat there for a little while before Reyna spoke softly. [color=FFFF00]"Hey, Erica? This is embarrassing but....can you stay with me like you did when I cried that one time? Besides, you owe me for that..."[/color] The request came out of the blue to Erica, a small red tint appearing on her face as she put a finger on Reyna's lips to hush her and smiled. [color=92278f]"Of course, my lady."[/color] That was when the cuddle began, Reyna becoming snug as a bug in rug. It was affectionate, but not romantic at all. Rather, it was comforting. The last words Reyna remembered before nodding and falling asleep from what would turn out to be one of the best sleep in her life were there: [color=92278f]"Reyna, if you are having trouble do what you need to do to keep yourself afloat. If nothing else, try to remember this and how comfortable you are now and look forward to it later."[/color] [/hider] Compared to back then, Reyna's sleep was not the best. In a warzone, she always had to be ready for anything to come up. The scout team went that off to do their mission that morning while Reyna was still snoozing. The shell, although it shook the ground, was far from her so when she did wake up she was not among the injured. It was when the scout team came back that Reyna started to be truly worried. There was Ines, Luke, Jean, and Victoria, but where was Thomas? Where was the nice Oceanic guy? It was only moments before she saw what Victoria was carrying: the body of Thomas, whom was missing a leg. It was not moving..... Reyna froze as she spotted this. She saw many bodies of the dead, even in the gas attack. The civilians they talked to simply....dead. However, nothing hit her as hard as the nice Oceanic guy not moving and obviously now gone from this world. By the Valkyrur and every other god there could be, she didn't know how to deal with this. She should have talked to him more, she should have went with them, she.... [color=FFFF00][i]No Reyna, stop that.[/i][/color] Reyna had to remind herself. The first time she ever showed visible worry and sadness before the others was this moment. Why? She wasn't there when he died but the others were. Why was this hitting her this hard? Suddenly the words of McGriffin rang in her mind again. You weren't guaranteed to survive no matter how trained you were, how elite you were. How...veteran you were. It came to both luck and skill, but not just your's. It also was the enemy's.... And for the first time Reyna was starting to understand the plight of the lower enlisted truly. Even as one herself at the Hill helping with artillery, after even the act of killing and seeing the death of countless others, she finally fully understood. They weren't just fighting for a country, fighting to push back the Imperials. [color=FFFF00][i]We're fighting to survive.[/i][/color] She spotted Luke making an announcement to soldiers about the Green Fox and attempting to rile them up and paint him as a martyr. But how many more "martyrs" were there? Those on the cavalry charge, those on the hill, all of those who fought before them and died. Inevitably, there was going to be more and no amount of glory would be worth it all. That did not mean they couldn't be proud of their service and their accomplishments, but glory was often fickle. Reyna attempted to step away from such thoughts, now leaning onto partial wall and gathering her thoughts. She couldn't let anyone see her like this...not in this state. She had to be calm, but it was a difficult thing to do. She started taking deep breaths, breathing in and out. She could mourn later, but right now she needed to stay calm. Something could happen at any moment in this foreign city. [@LetMeDoStuff]