Hello there! It's really a pleasure to have found my way here! I haven't found an active RP site in a long time! So I look forward to meeting you all! I use to run a Maximum Ride OC RP site from 2009 to 2013 and since the fade out of my site, I honestly haven't been able to find an active place to do post by post RP. (And I've missed it something terrible!) I'm 24, live on a hobby farm and enjoy playing piano, watching a good sci-fi, cosplaying and dabbling in art both 2d and 3d! Obviously I have been out of the loop for a while, so I do apologize in advance if I'm a bit rusty! As for my RP style etc, I honestly am down for almost anything, I love testing my creative limits! I have played both male and females, and always lean towards longer paragraph style posts. If you ever need someone to play a villain, I am your girl, I absolutely love playing the bad guy! World building is also something I am really passionate about, I love diving into lore, character back stories and descriptive visuals! Also I am always happy to meet new people, make friends, do collaborative projects etc, So please never feel afraid to shoot me a PM! Thanks so much!