Hibiki's face was an interesting look as she followed Zeke, by now ignoring the mostly-harmless crowd--mad they might be, but it was also clear that they were nowhere near capable of presenting a threat. Even any potshots taken just deflected harmlessly off her wrists. Her attitude in the alley was clearly dismayed... not as horrified as the girl's disposition would suggest, she had [i]clearly[/i] seen a lot more death and destruction than her attempts to make conversation leant towards. But this was far beyond what Hibiki usually dealt with. The Noise tended to be a lot cleaner, most of the blood came from internal injuries... there had been disasters, but nothing like this. This was undiluted carnage and destruction, perpetrated by monsters every bit as bad as the Noise, even if they were definitely more vulnerable. Whatever might have been human about the beasts feasting, they clearly weren't any more, and they [i]needed[/i] to be stopped, before any of the non-maddened people of this city were drawn into it. And deciding this was about when Hibiki surged past Zeke, the jump taking her beyond the first beast and to the end of the alleyway, fist cocked back and the mechanisms on it shifting, ratcheting back a massive assembly of potential force-- The ensuing punch, and shockwave, reduced the front of half of one of the beasts to something resembling salsa. Possibly [i]still[/i] overkill, given the crater that Hibiki, the bodies, and parts of the neighbouring buildings' foundations now found themselves in.