There were still many things in this world that could surprise Vaal it seems. And this was one of them. Several kobolds from different tribes. Different clans. None of them he recognized. But the difference was enough. That dragon was grand… the kobold would begrudgenly admit. But he was young… and it did not quite appear that the dragon understood the meaning of showmanship. There was little possibility that blue would have multiple tribes serving him so far from a desert. The second… was the Kenku. Vaal’s gaze turned lazily, to the Kenku when he began to speak. His mind had already begin to ready its self to put together sequences of broken phrases and voices to discern a meaning. What he was not prepared for in his state of mental vulnerability were the words I am sorry. The kobold’s head jerked in surprise. His eyes widening for a moment to the surprising gentleness of the words. His mind pulled away from working out the meaning, to working out how on earth could the Kenku have… Then his gaze followed the hand. And his eyes settled back on that grisly display of corpses. Finally the kobold let out a croak of an [color=00aeef]“Ah.”[/color] He cleared his throat. And tried again. [color=00aeef]“Ah… that.”[/color] His tone distant as he regarded each of the corpses once more. He shook his head slowly. [color=0072bc]“I appreciate the… concern. But it is misplaced. They are soldiers of the battlefield. They died doing their tasks. They have made their decision."[/color] He hissed in that slurring way of his. He turned to face the Kenku. One harm hugging that staff close to his body. The other crossed over its brother. A finger tapped lightly against that wooden pole. The kobold considering something. Then seeing that there would be little harm in going further. [color=00aeef] “Know my words for truth… they are not kin of mine. We are in fact… far… far detached. I do not have a home with them, if I did mayhaps no more. I am already an oddity. And this act makes me a traitor.“ [/color]The kobold glanced to the direction two survivors had fled. Vaal shrugged then turned to go check on Cassandra and the family they had just saved. [color=00aeef]“I would be marked as an outcast across the sword coast. Or captured to be... well... tormented."[/color] The kobold laughed to the last part with a true mirth. Somehow finding what ever was to come to himself as some great joke. By that gleam in his eye... He probably saw it as they could do nothing else to him now. [color=00aeef]"Still... nothing to regret."[/color] The kobold looked over his shoulders. [color=00aeef]“And you? You… are young… but have the wisdom of a scholar’s son.”[/color] The kobold looked to Sebastian with a raised brow. [color=00aeef]“...I would say he’s your adopted father… but… he seems the sort to raise a knight.”[/color] And now... Oddly a thought of the kobolds own mother came into mind. What would she think... If she saw what her son had became? That... Would be a level of shame he would rather not endure. Was she still even alive?