Wheel never seemed to hear Berlin's command. The captain just cursed; looking at the man, he could see there was something up. Always something on this ship, he thought. He wanted to ask after him, but Berlin knew when the Curse was flaring, it was best just to let Wheel handle it until it became a problem. Still, he'd never seen him quite like this. And knowing that one of his heavy-hitters was 'off' somehow made a bead of sweat form on his brow. More than one. He didn't think this would end in conflict, but he'd be damned if he wasn't going to be ready for it. Screw it. "Wheel." His voice was even despite how anxious he felt. If Berlin couldn't do that, then he was no good to anyone. "Report." It wasn't like he could ask 'are you okay?' because Wheel would inevitably answer 'yes'. Besides, he wanted more information than just his physical status. "What's happening? Who are they?" He meant a lot of things by that question. He just needed answers so he could go into this interaction with something resembling levelheadedness. -- Rohaan spared no time in galloping off down below deck to find Uban. The man was very soundly sleeping and didn't even stir at Rohaan's thundering footsteps, or the first few times the lad shook him. "Uban...Ubaaaan! UBAN!" The lad was not prepared for the sudden burst of Uban's reaction as the older man sat up in a panicked scramble, uttering a kind of half-muffled cry. He was sweating. His eyes darted around and found the boy, and something in his expression calmed and he remembered that he was tired. "Oi, nightmare. Sorry." It had been the turtle. He'd fallen asleep thinking about it and that thought colored his dreams. Dreams in which the great reptilian beast opened its mouth wide, leaned in, closer, closer, the black abyss of its great maw consuming the horizon until his jaws snapped shut on...Pieter? He shook his head as if to clear it. "That thing!" He said with sudden realization. "There was a thing..?" Rohaan nodded, grabbing Uban's hand and pulling him towards the stairs. "Aye, a dragon ship? And I think it's dead and its got uh, arms on it and I don't like it? But we're being boarded." Rohaan spoke fast, Uban barely kept up as he followed him topside. "Sorry, a what? We're what? Shit..." Bad time to fall asleep, he thought. "Rohaan, we're gonna have to have a conversation about your communication ski--oh shit." He stepped into the harsh light of day and saw the thing heading towards them. Uban blinked hard, patting himself down as if to look for his pistols or knives. He had the one knife at least. "Are we...is this a fight? Are we fighting?" Rohaan shook his head. "Don't think so. They wanna talk." "I heard that before." "Nah, I think they mean it. They're hunting the slavers too." Rohaan was already gone, leaving Uban to just stare dumbly at the approaching dragon. He continued to do that for some time, unsure of what else to really do. Battling a dragon was not his territory, that was all Wheel and Rohaan. Really the best thing he could do was to try and eat something and get a little stamina back. Maybe he should--oh. He turned to go to the galley but Rohaan was there instead holding some dry bread, a little salted meat, and a mug of hot black coffee. "Oh. Thanks mate." He took the proffered grub, though as he took the coffee, it dawned on him where it came from. Only place on the ship to find coffee was Berlin's personal stash. Wordlessly, he gave Rohaan a half horrified, half admonishing look. The shifter gave a toothy, too-innocent grin that meant he was anything but, and Uban nodded conspiratorially and drank the hot liquid. After all, they snuck him booze sometimes, it was only fair he snuck them other dainties. -- The dragon landed and slid through the water until the two vessels were within boarding distance. All of Berlin's focus was on the thing, and the people riding it. He felt like his eyes were playing tricks on him; he did not believe what he was seeing. It was a ship, and that woman did have tentacles just as Rohaan had shown him. Probably a good thing he had, or he would have been horribly surprised. Right now, he needed to be unflappable. The crew stood by. Uban, who quickly finished eating, stood still but at the ready. He could produce some lightning if needed, he was sure of it. And Rohaan had wandered over to stand near Hana. He kept close, though it wasn't because he was nervous. He was, in his own way, but not too much. He was mystified by these people but at the end of the day, he did not fear them. No, instead he casually seemed to position himself always between her and the other ship. It wasn't an obvious thing, but he seemed to be aware of her and them at all times. He knew she wasn't a hardened warrior (though he still secretly harbored the belief that she could be dangerous if she wanted) and if he was honest with himself, he guessed he sort of liked her. If this went ugly and someone tried to hurt her (or anyone else for that matter, even Wheel) they'd answer to him first. Berlin raised a big hand. "Granted." He wouldn't ask them to come unarmed--his crew would be armed and he wouldn't walk onto another man's ship without a weapon to hand if he could help it. But as long as they didn't draw their weapons, he was fine. He waited for them to come aboard, then greeted them with a polite head nod. "Welcome aboard the Borealis. I am her Captain, Berlin. You must be Kaga-met Ir Sabdul. The boy tells me we might have a mutual goal." As always, Berlin was charismatic. He didn't have the kind of extroverted charm Uban came by so naturally, but he did have a general quiet likability. Despite his size, it was hard to believe just by looking at him that he could be a tempest, but he could.