The Steppe Archer took note as Shade's face lit up pink and he started smelling himself. ...Had she offended him? She hadn't meant to say that he stank. It was just that the women of her homeland just...smelled a certain way. Now that she thought on it, the armored woman before her hadn't smelled like them either. It didn't seem like something that greatly needed correcting, since after a while, the boy's focus turned from his scent to the Steel-Ranked man. It was certainly concerning to think that he might try and get revenge, but the Guard Lady had a point. Everyone knew they'd just had a discourse go down. If anything happened to them, that man would be the prime suspect. He'd be a fool to try anything, really. And they'd be fools to try and do anything back. Shade had an excellent point following that brief back and forth, that they had to REGISTER the quest first, lest they be little better than poachers. Nodding emphatically, she would watch, peeking over Guard Lady to watch as he registered them. When he returned, Steppe Archer would hold her hand up as if to speak up. [color=CC6633][b]"First, I need to get us something to plug our noses with. Human refuse left to rot is...ripe. And then some. Be right back!"[/b][/color] she would say, taking off like a hurricane and dashing outside of town. She would return in mere minutes, beaming as she held up stalks of thin plants with small bulbous stamens that looked hard, and almost perfectly round. [color=CC6633][b]"My Mother taught me to use these when handling animal organs. They're good at blocking smells...just make sure you breath through your mouth only."[/b][/color] Steppe Archer would say, plucking off two of the stamens for herself and stuffing one into each nostril. ...She looked...ridiculous. Absolutely bafoonish, even. But she had a point: Sewers smelt terrible. Surely looking foolish was a small price to pay for not losing one's lunch over the smell of raw doo-doo. Humming to herself, the Steppe Archer would look at her sleeves, then at her ankles, before suddenly starting to unwrap her waistwrap that held her dress together. Folding over her dress, she was now left in just her leather breastplate and her smallclothes. [color=CC6633][b]"I don't want to get this dirty..."[/b][/color] she said, moving her bow's quiver and her sword to her much lighter attire. She would pack up her dress into here backpack and raise her fist to the sky. [color=CC6633][b]"Ready for adventure! And Rats!"[/b][/color] Her attire now consisted of a something akin to a simple blue woolen tabard beneath the simple leather breastplate, with what one could call a pair of white shorts covering her legs, the hem of which was obscured by the tabard's extended waist section. ...Guard Lady would now likely be wondering just how fast Steppe Archer might have just gone with the Steel-Rank if she hadn't already picked a quest. She seemed almost unflappable. And Shade would take note of her lack of modesty, since she had basically stripped down in public. At least the tabard meant the only part of her was bare.