[center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/f8bf08fd5c1cc4321b7de926ec1f4a76/tumblr_mzie96M4Bu1s4euiso1_500.gif[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190910/dc7dd52895f8eb38ae2120695abfb588.png[/img] [hr] Mentions: Jasmine, Lee, Stella [hr] [color=teal]”Kicked out of two schools for violent conduct, arrested multiple times for umpteen misdemeanours, charged with assault and robbery. I must say Mr Hyde, I have no idea why your transfer to this school was accepted. You must have some powerful friends”[/color] The blue eyed demon grinned, quietly musing over the guidance counsellors sheer confusion at his late transfer to Beverly Hills High School. Hyde sat there, bruised eyes, split lip and scratched up hands folded across his chest, a far cry from the faces in the hall behind him. It was bemusing to think that this man had so little idea what his wealthy charges in this school actually did in their spare time; some of the actions of the elite were far worse than the stuff Cameron did. At least when he did his shit, he was honest about it. The move to the 90210 was not initially a choice of Hyde’s; it was a dare gone wild. During their time at the Chapter Six, Cam and Jasmine were starting to find their rhythm together on the dance floor, drenched in neon lights and seduced by a sensual saxophone, the feeling that whirled around them was utterly terrifying but also so desperately exhilarating that they couldn’t get enough, like the drugs he so readily supplies to the rich bitches he was surrounded by. Then came the moment his North Star ran out on him, of course he gave chase but she was gone, the girl hopped her bike and rode off into the night, leaving him alone. Leaving Cameron Hyde alone was dangerous; without a guiding light, the dark can become way to appealing and on a day like Dare Night, there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do. That’s how he wound up in a bathroom stall with a rather influential board member, a line of coke and a hidden camera. Someone had orchestrated this, of course they had. They wanted blackmail material and the monster from maple was the perfect guy to get it. Getting himself enrolled into BHHS was a bonus. [color=teal]”What is it you actually want to do with your life, Cameron? What’s the goal?”[/color] [color=olive]”I’m not sure”[/color] Hyde feigned interest of course. [color=olive]”I don’t really think too far ahead”[/color] [color=teal]”Why is that?”[/color] Cameron scoffed as if it was insulting that this over paid and under educated nanny didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. It was extremely clear in these few quiet moments that regardless of how they pretend, the people here were from a whole other world. [color=olive]”Where I come from, it’s not about what you want, it’s about what you got to do to survive. A man must have a code”[/color] [color=teal]”And what’s your code?”[/color] The demon with the face of an angel lifted his baby blues to match the counsellors inquisitive gaze, a very real, palpable hint of menace in them. [color=olive]”Fuck everyone”[/color] [color=teal]”I was just like you, I grew up hard and I grew up with a chip on my shoulder but then someone took a chance on me. Showed me that I was more than where I came from. I’m gonna give you that chance, Cameron but I need you to work for it. You think you can do that? You think you can be perfect? Go show me”[/color] Leaving the guidance counsellors office, Hyde room a deep breath. This was a different world, it wasn’t dogtown, his old tactics wouldn’t work here. Before he could threaten and beat his way to the top, down by the water he was number one, he wasn’t that here, not yet. He had to be smart, Lee wasn’t going to help him here, he had his hands full with that prissy bitch, Stella. No, the dark passenger had to find new friends, people who could and would get him to where he needed to be; the fucking top. He had to be number one. This election everyone and their mothers seemed to be talking about, this was the perfect opportunity for the antagonist to make his mark in this brand new world. He couldn’t run for President, that was just idiotic but he could “offer” his services to the right candidate. Someone would know how to use his animalistic nature to their advantage. Evil walked the halls of this school, evil of a different malevolence to his own and he just had to find it. He stood for second, gazing upon the student body running around the halls and with every passing student, further dangerous ideas of what he could do to them plagued Hyde’s troubled mind. These ideas were so very far from anything that they had experienced before; they were blood soaked and glowing in violence. The night was dark and full of terrors and now so was this place. It had thought it had seen everything, wait until they got a load of him. [color=hotpink]”Take a picture, handsome. It’ll last longer”[/color] [url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/c8600c01e96b2622ba7f02cf621f40ee/tumblr_pw5hlfeLZ21vfg7u3o4_500.gif]The girl said[/url] as she slammed closed her locker, startling Cameron from the awful day dream he dare not share with anyone else. She fearlessly sauntered up to the towering youth and shoved a piece of paper into his hand. [color=hotpink]”Come to this, you can stare and take all the pictures you want”[/color] she spun on her conversed heel and headed off into the crowded halls. Hyde opened up the folded sheet and scanned it: it was a poster for a gig [color=hotpink][i]”The Last Saints in Hollywood”[/i][/color] There were no saints in this world of sinners.[/center]