Ok. Thanks! Is a Villan position open? If so, Here is a sample character. I will make changes to fit the rules and requirements. [hider=Twisted] Appearance: Twisted looks more monster than human. He has 9 tendrils attached to his back and small mutated areas that look beast-like. He is hunched over slightly and walks on all fours. He has a tail and his face is beast-like and both of his hands have claws, and tendrils wrapped around each limb of his body, and 2 of his 9 tendrils have bone spikes that can slash at foes, and his back legs are curved inward. He wears ragged clothing that is torn on every area where tendrils and extra flesh have erupted. Name: Twisted Age: 19 Gender: Male Hero/Villain Name: Twisted Quirk Name: Flesh Quirk Type: Mutant Quirk Description: Flesh formed after his birth. It is a mass of tendrils and fleshy blobs on Twisted. He was abandoned right away by his parents because of it. Flesh acts as an extension of Twisted's body, as he has full control over all of the extra flesh. He has 9 tendrils on his back, which can extend 1-5 feet each and grab things as if they were hands. His quirk also changes and evolves depending on what he eats, eating deer would give him more leg power or extra hearing and smell, which has proven beneficial since he lives around a forest area. Although Twisted's Quirk gives him strengths, he also has weaknesses. He burns efficiently in fire, hates normal foods and must stay out of sunlight. Due to his extra Biological state, his body is much more flammable due to the slimy substances his body produces, his flesh burns rather quickly in sunlight, and his diet now consists of raw meats instead of normal foods. Inventory: Ragged shirt, Ragged pants, Tworn shoes. Sample Post: Twisted was never given a name. He was abandoned by his parents because of his mutations. He could still slightly recall what happened in those days. He shook his head to stop thinking about those days. He stood up on his hind legs again, and continued his trek through the forest. Rain continued to pour, and the day was full of dread. With his hunting ground depleted, he needed to find somewhere else to find food. He found a warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Oh, how he hated the noises. The cars, buses, construction and people. He dreaded the thought of even looking inside the structure, but he needed food. A few mice would do for now. He warily sidestepped to the door and opened it with his tendrils. Right away, he spotted a rat. He was about to lunge when a man stepped out onto a railing near the front of the building. "Who are you?! Show yourself!" the man shouted. Twisted cursed to himself under his breath. "Can't a guy get out of the rain?" he replied. "Step into the light." The man said. "Alright, but you won't like what you see." Twisted warned. He took a step into the light, looking up at the man. "Dear god. The boss will like you." The man said, breaking a short smile. Turns out, the man was working for the Villans league and invited Twisted to join. Of course, Twisted gladly agreed, as he had nowhere to go and nobody to go to. He pledged his loyalty to the Villans league and serves willingly. [/hider] If there is anything to change, let me know. I will try my best to stay within the guidelines of the character creation and make sure I am following the rules.