Akiba was totally foreign to Shion, so she checked her Line for the fifth time. "Net Sheep Cafe" was definitely the place. It had taken her a while to find it, but when she did she looked up at the sign and took a deep breath before entering. Inside she saw a rather cute boy who seemed to be the cashier. She introduced herself and explained that she had been invited to the cafe by someone, only for the boy to direct her to a special cubicle with her name on a sheet of paper stuck to it. Crude, but effective she supposed. With another deep breath, she put her headset on and logged into EDEN. [hr] After using the link she was given, she found herself in a large cathedral where there seemed to be other people already talking among themselves. [i][color=004b80]Digging the Hulle Granz aesthetic.[/color][/i] A quick tap on her digivice later and her digimon, Zuba and Ludo, a ZubaEagermon and Ludomon respectively, joined her at her side. [color=fff200]"I like the sharpness of this place."[/color] Zuba said. [color=ed145b]"It does seem fairly defensible..."[/color] Came the reply from Ludo. Shion simply stood back and watched the others, trying to overhear their conversations without drawing attention to herself.