It seemed things were about to get started. The hooded boy had taken it upon himself to fill out their information at the reception, and the archer-girl had... run off...? Then returned? With herbs. Herbs that she proceed to insert into her own nose after clarifying that they were good for blocking your sense of smell. The Guard Lady couldn't help but place a hand infront of her mouth as she laughed slightly at the sight - the foreigner looked absolutely ridiculious with the two sticsk poking out of her nostrils. The amusement quickly turned to bewilderment though, as the girl porceed to quite casually pull off her own garments - right infront of everyone around her. A resounding, echo-ey [i]'Oooooooooooh~!'[/i]-noise could be heard from the other people in the guildhall - particularly the men, as the girl did this. The half-elf herself could feel her cheeks flush a bit in embarrassment for this gir! Had she no shaem? Or perhaps, she viewed other people on the same level as potatoes and didn't care if they were watching or not? Once she was done undressing into her now [i]limited[/i] new attire, Shade proceeded outside - either to escape the situation or because he was really eager to get going. In that regard, Guard Lady too was most inclined to move away and put this entire situation out of her mind. Following the boy outside, she listened to his directions and his inquiry about a torch. A torch wouldn't be very useful though, sewers were damp and moist, if the flame was just sitting on an unprotected piece of wood, it would likely go out or become unusable if anything should happen to it. Still, torches were cheap so stocking up on a few could work... But it would be better to find a more secure and protected light-source for the long run. "I think a simple oil-lantern would do." She suggested, knowing that those things could stay lit even when left out in the rain and wind. It was the default tool for nighttime patrols back in her home city. "I'll go see if I can find us one, hopefully for cheap." She explained, making her way down the street towards a place where she had seen many signs and plaques for shops back when she had arrived earlier. It didn't take many minutes to locate a general store. The shop was of modest repute and upkeep, but there were a wide selection of hoods in both the display-window and on the shelves. After searching about for a while, constantly being oggled by the three-toothed, balding shopkeep who pretened to busy himself with stocking an already full shelf, the Guard Lady found what she was looking for and approached the counter. After being initially overcharged for the banged up, buckled and in-places rusted lantern, the store's owner was only willing to lower the price after having a good, long stare at the half-elven girl's cleavage... Much to her irritation. Luckily, she had managed to not punch the older lecher in his face, possibly knocking out those remaining teeth of his, and instead endured the objectification - after all, she didn't have too much money left to spend. Having been [i]generously[/i] gifted with a bonus can of lamp-oil, the Guard Lady left the store - steam nearly shooting out of her ears and her brows furrowed deeply. She would certainly not be visiting this establishment again, but at least the item they needed had been procured. It was only at this point n time however, that she realized two very important things. First, Shade had only vaguely pointed in a direction and not given any specificis to where the manhole was supposed to be. Two, she had been to amused, then embarrassed, by the archer to accept the herbs for the sewer-dive. Hopefully, the latter would still have some on her - for she did not enjoy the idea of trudging through the unified smell of amonia, mold, rat and people feacl-matter as well as whatever other foul odors may linger below the town. Griacing, she made her way over to what looked to be a tavern, stopping there to look around for her two companions.