[b]Flame[/b] My mind is a whirlwind. Smough made good on my request and showed me everything. The ocean hides breathtaking views. An entire world of bioluminescence that made me giddy. I played with deep sea fish and inspected coral reefs. I never could have imagined what was all hidden below. It was indescribable. Then Smough flew us back. The man flies. That experience was life-changing. I will say windblown hair isn't my best look but my ears and tail are fluffy perfection. Thankfully my messy long locks weren't anything a good brushing couldn't take care of. I've experienced more than I ever thought I could. I now understand why Blaze spends so much time away from home. If he thinks he can keep me quarantined on Haust after this he has another thing coming. For now I trail behind him, right on his heels. He's in his signature jeans, tight white t-shirt, and leather jacket. I've donned my uniform. He takes a seat near the end and for a second I'm at a loss on what to do. Do I stand sentry behind him? I take a quick glance around. This is basically like a cabinet meeting. It has the same tense undercurrent in the air as one too. I take a seat next to my brother, reassured in my role in this. It's time to act royal.