[@Jasper19] I wrote it weird because it was meant to come off as a bit of a backwards medieval document. But,motherfucking, I was also more dizzy than a druggy on a swing set so it might read a bit weirder than it should without my meaning. ------- Enterprise: Your occupation. AKA: for you that just means write plague doctor. For a noble they have to choose an occupation. Indepedent Man= You are not legally tied to anyone. You aren't indebted to the house or bound by law to serve someone. Indentured man = you are bound to serve by law. Be it via paying off a debt you got from a loan or you have a criminal past you got to pay the crown off for ectr. Man by action: I explain this in lore section, but basically, if you're a woman and you want to be indepedent and look after yourself. You're considered a man by action-eg: you are a man by virtue of your actions- If you're a woman your not considered indepedent and so forgo certain legal rights-and get other legal rights- Blight History: Blight is just a legal term for you got the plague. So it's asking if you're ill. Dosen't matter if its in recession or not. Signature: Your character name goes here. House History: AKA your family history. Are you from a farming family, how many generations of farming, do you have any rights to land, any specific deeds or house cultures. Typical medieval house culture/history stuff.