[center][h3]Driving on[/h3][/center] [hr] The scribe smiled as the engineer took the bowl and agreed to give it to Andrew to bargain with. “Don’t tell him the story or he might just give it to him with a pardon,” she said to Bork. The meeting took place and surprisingly it was quiet. Andrew ended up with some influence with the guild which he liked. There was going to be an element of the Red Claws in town to make sure their investments and operation was protected. Which he did not like. From the meeting, Silverclaw and his wife would be booking passage on the slave ship the next day. They did not give much detail as to why and looked at Andrew like he should know. Andrew felt like he was winning, so he did not press. The sticking point was the glass blower. She was to stay and Andrew would be responsible for her, at least till a shop could be setup for her and she had tools. Andrew was not sure how this would go. After some careful negotiations, mostly based on the knowledge of Nelthurin, and some prayer, an arrangement was struck that the remaining claws would be pardoned and allowed back into the Golden Tooth. With a little humor the suggestion was made that the guild change its name to the Tooth and Claw. In terms of the drug smuggling operation, Silverclaw retained control. The rest of the guild operation was the same. Andrew would get a cut of operations profits and would be an advisor to the guild. He could honor his past and his “family” without taking day today control. Brom looked at Bork like he had grown a third head when he passed on the captains suggestion. “What use would you have for a scribe at a hole in the ground?” She asked. Daring him to give her an answer.