[b]Lexianna[/b] When I sweep into the room, I take a count of everyone's emotions. I could hear them bickering before we arrived. Which probably foretells how the rest of this meeting is going to unfold. Tenketsu has twisted himself into a gown for the occasion. It's white with golden stripes crisscrossing through the bodice and skirts. The skirts themselves are multilayered but light as they trail behind me on the floor. It gives an effect as if I'm being followed by soft waves. I settle into the chair next to Baruss with Jalen on my other side. As the others get settled, I start off in a soft voice. "I hope you all don't mind but I took the liberty of putting together some agenda items. That way if we get side-tracked in our open discussions we can find a way back to the main points. Feel free to add your own as they come." I wave an arm and the following list is displayed above the table in a glowing orb of light. [list] [*]The state and well being of the people [*]Fair distribution of power & influence [*] Avoiding war [*] The False One [/list] "I think we should all be prepared for a long productive talk." My eyes settle on Kar across the table. "Karnariel would you like to fill everyone in on the state of the people as you have seen it." [b]Li-Li-Blackout 482,004,911[/b] Interesting how he thinks I'll listen. I leave The First Lotus to heal the children while I come to watch over Zaak's ministrations. As I lean over his shoulder I take a good look at the lady's features. "How were you able to extract it?"